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Last active March 30, 2021 16:14
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First install Ruby 2.6 or higher. Then gem install samanage

Run from the command:

ruby script_name.rb API_TOKEN 2018-01-01 2018-12-31 or ruby script_name.rb API_TOKEN 2018-01-01 2018-12-31 eu if on the EU datacenter.

require 'samanage'
require 'csv'

api_token, start_date, end_date, datacenter = ARGV
@samanage = api_token, datacenter: datacenter)
DEFAULT_FILENAME = "Incident Report #{"%b-%d-%Y-%l%M")}.csv"

# Simple hash to csv 
def log_to_csv(row: , filename: DEFAULT_FILENAME)
  write_headers = !File.exists?(filename), 'a+', write_headers: write_headers, force_quotes: true, headers: row.keys) do |csv| 
    csv << row.values

# Save specific fields from incident and flatten to key pair
def format_incident(incident: )
  custom_fields = incident.dig('custom_fields_values').to_a
    id: incident.dig('id'),
    number: incident.dig('number'),
    name: incident.dig('name'),
    state: incident.dig('state'),
    assignee: incident.dig('assignee','name'), # I picked assignee->name because groups do not have an email
    requester: incident.dig('requester','email'), # All requesters have email
    category: incident.dig('category','name'),
    subcategory: incident.dig('subcategory','name'),
    some_custom_field: custom_fields.find{|cf| cf['name'] == 'Custom Field Name'}.to_h['value'],
    # ...

query_options = {
  'updated[]' => 'Select Date Range',
  'updated_custom_gte[]' => start_date,
  'updated_custom_lte[]' => end_date,
  verbose: true

# Request and save incidents
incident_ids = @samanage.incidents(options: query_options).map{|i| i['id']}.uniq
puts "Exporting #{incident_ids.count} incidents"

incident_ids.each do |incident_id|
  incident = @samanage.find_incident(id: incident_id, options: {layout: 'long'})[:data]
  puts "Exporting Incident ##{incident['number']}"
  formatted_incident = format_incident(incident: incident)
  log_to_csv(row: formatted_incident)
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