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Created January 13, 2023 16:23
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Save cw2k/59476844bc67c6ba124823c1776c0aaf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. extrator script
""" extrator script
So what is that?
Elder scrolls online comes with that installer:
it is about 25 MB.
24MB of the file is a zip.
But extracting is not possible because it is password protected.
The Launcher.exe somehow 'knows' the password.
I reverse engieered how that works.
Each file uses the ExtraData field in the Zip header to store the password
Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
00000000 50 4B 03 04 14 00 0B 00 08 00 18 49 5B 55 00 00 PK I[U
00000016 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 00 10 00 66 6F fo
00000032 6E 74 73 2F 6C 65 61 67 75 65 5F 67 6F 74 68 69 nts/league_gothi
00000048 63 2D 77 65 62 66 6F 6E 74 2E 65 6F 74 10 88 0C c-webfont.eot ˆ
00000064 00 C4 EE 37 F7 51 4B 8E 12 AE C2 72 8A Äî7÷QKŽ ®ÂrŠ
10 88 0C 00 C4 EE 37 F7 51 4B 8E 12 AE C2 72 8A
0x8810 Magic
000C Length
45 70 3B 3F 61 6B 4E 33 2E 42 72 4B Ep;?akN3.BrK Password transformed
Next time I look for the 'SetZipPassword' it is helpfull to know that it's near these consts:
(*Keys)[0] = 0x12345678; # 305419896
(*Keys)[1] = 0x23456789; # 591751049
(*Keys)[2] = 0x34567890; # 878082192
pass = *Password;
"Password-based encryption in ZIP files":
So in IDA Pro or Ollydbg just search for const 0x23456789 to find the SetZipPassword functions.
How to use that script?
0. Pust script file into dir with Bethesda.net_Launcher.exe
1. Split of the Exe stub from the Bethesda.net_Launcher.exe and save it as
2. run in cmd.exe run "python.exe"
Extraction is pretty slow. If interupt take care for cleaning 0-byte files manually.
For debugging comment in some of the '#print '
You may rezip the file and merge it with the exe-stub.
Happy modding.
import zipfile
class myBinaryReader(bytearray):
offset = 0
storedPos = 0
def PosStore(_): _.storedPos = _.offset
def PosRestore(_): _.offset = _.storedPos
def isEOS(_): return (_.offset >= len(_))
def BytesLeft(_): return ( len(_) - _.offset )
def matches(_, data):
return len(data) ) == data
__float64_Size = 8
def float64(_): return unpack_from(
"<d", _.__float64_Size)) [0]
__Int8_Size = 1
def u8(_): return _.uInt(_.__Int8_Size )
def i8(_): return _ .Int(_.__Int8_Size )
__Int16_Size = 2
def u16(_): return _.uInt(_.__Int16_Size)
def i16(_): return _.Int(_.__Int16_Size)
__Int32_Size = 4
def u32(_): return _.uInt(_.__Int32_Size)
def i32(_): return _.Int(_.__Int32_Size)
def u32_bigEndian(_): return _._Int_bigEndian( _.__Int32_Size, False )
__Int64_Size = 8
def u64(_): return _.uInt(_.__Int64_Size)
def i64(_): return _.Int(_.__Int64_Size)
def Int(_, len ):
return _._Int( len, True)
def uInt(_, len ):
return _._Int( len, False)
def _Int(_, len, signed):
return int.from_bytes( len) ,
'little', signed=signed)
def _Int_bigEndian(_, len, signed):
return int.from_bytes( len) ,
'big', signed=signed)
def read(_, len) :
data = _[_.offset: _.offset + len ]
_.offset += len
return data
def makePrintable( Datareader ):
passwd = b''
DataSize = Datareader.u16()
for i in range(DataSize):
val = Datareader.u8()
if ( val == 0 ):
#print ( f'Exiting loop due to nullByte countered @{i}/{DataSize}' )
add = ( 1 << (i % 32) ) & 0xff # 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, 80, 0, 0 ...
# note: 'mod 32' is there to simulate overflow effect
# MOV BL, 1
newVal = ( val + add ) & 0x7f
# Limit newVal to range 0x21..0x7E
newVal &= 0x7f if ( newVal != 0x7f ) else 0x3F
if ( newVal < 0x21 ):
newVal |= (1 << (newVal % 3 + 5) ) # 0x20 0x40 0x80 0x20 0x40 0x80 ...
newVal += 1
passwd_char = chr (newVal)
passwd += newVal.to_bytes(1, "little")
#print ( f'{add :0>2X} + {val :0>2X} => {newVal :0>2X} \t {passwd_char} ' )
#passwd = passwd.decode('iso8859_1')
return passwd
ZipExtraData = 0x10880C00C4EE37F7514B8E12AEC2728A #Ep;?akN3.BrK
ZipExtraData = 0x10880C00452E8B6F2A2F36655AC7058E #F00w:OveZG† b'F00w:OveZG\x86\x8f'
# finding the right 'decode'
# 0x86 -> 134 ->ALT+num 1-3-4 ->å
# å (U+00E5) cp437, cp775, cp850, cp857, cp858, cp861, cp865
# So we may try: passwd.decode('cp850')
CentralFile_hdr_sig = b'PK\x01\x02' # 0x02014b50
ExtraData_Hdr = 0x8810
zipfileName = "c://temp//Bethesda.net_Launcher//ProgramData//Host.c0da3c1c5bf82ed6ac9afcd89b1f79b8c99c88bb//061b8d0af8fa3d892fdc9723a00d5d6ccff18f5a.patchmanifest2"
zipfileName = ""
extractpath = "./Bethesda.net_Launcher"
#Datareader = myBinaryReader(ZipExtraData.to_bytes(0x10,"big"))
#HeaderID = Datareader.u16()
#print (passwd)
#passwd = passwd.decode('latin-1')
#print( f' { passwd :<100}', f'{FileName.decode()}' )
# Get CentralFile_header
f = open(zipfileName, "rb")
Files = CentralFile_hdr_sig )[1:]
ExtraSizeMax = 0
for file in Files:
Datareader = myBinaryReader( file) #.split(ExtraData_Hdr.to_bytes(2,"little"))[1] )
version = Datareader.u32()
gpFlags = Datareader.u32()
time = Datareader.u32()
CRC32 = Datareader.u32()
Size_comp = Datareader.u32()
Size_decomp = Datareader.u32()
FileNameSize = Datareader.u16()
ExtraSize = Datareader.u16()
CmtSize = Datareader.u16()
dummy = Datareader.u32()
dummy = Datareader.u32()
dummy = Datareader.u32()
FileName =
FileName =FileName.decode()
# Datareader = myBinaryReader(ZipExtraData.to_bytes(0x10,"big"))
HeaderID = Datareader.u16()
isExpectedExtraData = (ExtraData_Hdr == HeaderID)
assert (isExpectedExtraData)
#ExtraSizeMax = max( ExtraSizeMax, ExtraSize )
#print ("ExtraSize: %i \t curExtraSizeMax: %i" % (ExtraSize, ExtraSizeMax))
passwd = makePrintable( Datareader )
#print (passwd)
import os.path
if not os.path.exists( extractpath + "/" + FileName):
with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfileName, mode="r") as archive:
archive.extract(FileName, extractpath , passwd )
except Exception as error:
print(error, passwd, passwd.decode('cp850') )
passwd = passwd.decode('cp850')
print( f' { passwd :<100}', f'{FileName}' )
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cw2k commented Jan 13, 2023

Just for the one being curious here are some files + passwords of
Version ( Jan 2023)
ZeniMax Online Studios Launcher by Solid State Networks

  Ep;?akN3.BrK                                                                                         fonts/league_gothic-webfont.eot
  Ep;?akN3.BrK                                                                                         fonts/league_gothic-webfont.svg
  Ep;?akN3.BrK                                                                                         fonts/league_gothic-webfont.ttf
  Ep;?akN3.BrK                                                                                         fonts/league_gothic-webfont.woff
  Ep;?akN3.BrK                                                                                         fonts/MYingHeiPRC-W5.otf
  T7=QE6tTT?,*N%Qw                                                                                     fonts/MYoyoPRC-Medium.otf
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  W)V%]ÿTbeÅzvXHSZp.WQWA7O177ÿ#F;`nRSF3TXB\ë#p@hNfvHW96'hpU>y97l4eë×vwpL                               fonts/RoboCondensed_regular.woff
  W)V%]ÿTbeÅzvXHSZp.WQWA7O177ÿ#F;`nRSF3TXB\ë#p@hNfvHW96'hpU>y97l4eë×vwpL                               images/gold/backgrounds/bg-cover_dmm.png
  !QrW[-pR6&[0N8v)fr<TYA)ÆX1QëP4H@>-STMNY6EXmW>>By8qHQ(k                                               images/gold/backgrounds/bg-cover_egs.png
  :+Eux|$-?[oâ7+[í9qm43s                                                                               images/gold/backgrounds/bg-cover_pc.png
  NB×'                                                                                                 images/gold/backgrounds/bg-cover_steam.png
  ]1|G>:MD/??N}<wWp'.23J]U-":]î3ÅA=FÆ@!gSøaHZ?/Qey?IîutIir                                             images/gold/backgrounds/bg_highisles.png
  0Q}o96t6Æ"Q<                                                                                         images/gold/backgrounds/bg_highisles_updating.png
  zp`ÆDâ>sfwACm`pW%=]C9FhM$ÆV{5H!'r,R;Bp>3T'øeZ<rE6'6=ai7=jl'd\M9/0t                                   images/gold/btn-short-hover.png
  F00w:OveZGåÅ                                                                                         images/gold/btn-short.png
  F00w:OveZGåÅ                                                                                         images/gold/btn-teal-disabled.png
  X)59gL{Å-NK9O+0D`BTîX<1-NvwqTtÅQEw'Og_ò                                                              js/jquery.xml2json.js
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  X)59gL{Å-NK9O+0D`BTîX<1-NvwqTtÅQEw'Og_ò                                                              js/json2.min.js
  X)59gL{Å-NK9O+0D`BTîX<1-NvwqTtÅQEw'Og_ò                                                              js/jsrsasign-latest-all-min.js
  â)m                                                                                                  js/mwheelIntent.js
  â)m                                                                                                  js/patcher-
  :"NGmnd0ZYm_Q                                                                                        js/plistcontroller.js
  /5ë?lYF9LvLí                                                                                         js/unifiedprogress.js
  /5ë?lYF9LvLí                                                                                         analytics.js
  /5ë?lYF9LvLí                                                                                         analytics.json
  /5ë?lYF9LvLí                                                                                         app.config.xml
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  5~v                                                                                                  main.js
  Lcm!g#ZT4")'3E=p9'V7ÿ0#;=qHTëë<MHv]BG"~                                                              messages.js
  Lcm!g#ZT4")'3E=p9'V7ÿ0#;=qHTëë<MHv]BG"~                                                              minspecdetectionobject.js
  Lcm!g#ZT4")'3E=p9'V7ÿ0#;=qHTëë<MHv]BG"~                                                              notify.json
  Lcm!g#ZT4")'3E=p9'V7ÿ0#;=qHTëë<MHv]BG"~                                                              splash.js
  Lcm!g#ZT4")'3E=p9'V7ÿ0#;=qHTëë<MHv]BG"~                                                              startup_operations.js
  Lcm!g#ZT4")'3E=p9'V7ÿ0#;=qHTëë<MHv]BG"~                                                              version_check.js
  Lcm!g#ZT4")'3E=p9'V7ÿ0#;=qHTëë<MHv]BG"~                                                              workflow.json
  Lcm!g#ZT4")'3E=p9'V7ÿ0#;=qHTëë<MHv]BG"~                                                              xhr_fix.js
  K]Fecd<,rÿ=î'Zoo3&(b)%R#Ud\BRsY7T5X%F×S[X['ë4KQMBfBzW'11W,;Å-NK9P-4L/bSîX<1-NvwqTtÅQDuâG             xhr_fix2.js

Alternatively instead of using this script to extract the files
you may download the files locally.
Well Bethesda.net_Launcher.exe (host.exe) is running just open
in your browser.
The stuff is provided by "Emu-Web 0.81 (Beta)".

Of course some stuff like
app.expandString( "{SystemShortName}" ) === "win"
is not working. There is no Javascript 'app' object in ya browser that offers the function 'expandString'.
However it is maybe nice to browser around a little in the code with chrome DevTool or Firefox dev to see how things work. ... and maybe get a idea what to change.
Like mess around with 'beta_check.js' to enable the hidden beta tab.

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