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Created March 2, 2022 22:50
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Activation helper for Wingware Wing IDE 2-8
# Wing IDE Professional 8.x KeyGen
# for Python3.x
# uncomment these to get also support for Python2.7
#from __future__ import print_function
# try:
# from future import standard_library
# except ImportError as e:
# try:
# m = "Probably something with module 'future' not found"
# m = e.message
# finally:
# input ('ImportError: ' + m + ' \nrun [c:\Python27\Scripts\]\n'
# '-> pip install future\n'
# 'To install python 2/3 compatibility layer')
# # exit()
# standard_library.install_aliases()
# from future.builtins import (input, str, range)
import string
import random
import hashlib
import sys, os
def printerr(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs["file"] = sys.stderr
print (args, kwargs)
def randomstring(size = 20, chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits):
return ''.join(( random.choice( chars ) for _ in range(size) ) )
def BaseConvertHex( number, to_digits,
ignore_negative = True):
# isNegative = number < 0
# if isNegative and not ignore_negative:
# number = abs( number )
# make an integer out of the number
x = int( number, 16)
# create the result in base 'len(to_digits)'
res = ''
toDigitsLen = len( to_digits )
while x > 0: # divide of /seperate digit's from x until it's empty
digit = x % toDigitsLen
res = to_digits[ digit ] + res
x //= toDigitsLen
# if isNegative:
# res = - res
return res
def AddHyphens( code ):
"""Insert hyphens into given license id or activation request to
make it easier to read"""
return code[ : 5 ] + '-' + \
code[ 5:10 ] + '-' + \
code[ 10:15 ] + '-' + \
code[ 15: ]
def ToBase30( digest ):
result = BaseConvertHex( digest .upper(), BASE30)
return result .rjust( KeyLen, '1' )
def mulHash16( inValue, lichash ):
part = 0
for c in lichash:
part *= inValue
part += ord( c )
part &= 0xFFFFF
return format( part, '05x' )
def GenRandomLicID( kPrefix_LicenseId ):
LicenseId = AddHyphens( kPrefix_LicenseId +
randomstring( KeyLen + 1, BASE30 if Randomness else BASE30[0] )) # KeyLen + 1 = 18
return LicenseId
def CreateActivationRequest(license):
"""Create hash value from license that can be shipped to the license
activation server"""
hasher = hashlib.sha1()
# for key in kHashLicenseFields:
# if license['termdays'] != '*' and \
# license['license'][0] != 'T' and \
# key == 'termdays':
# continue
value = license# [key]
# if bulkctl is not None and \
# key == 'license' and \
# value[2] not in '123456789' and \
# value.replace('-', '')[10:] == 'XXXXXXXXXX':
lic = value.replace('-','')
value = lic[:10] + bulkctl._hash30(lic[:10])[:10]
value = AddHyphens(value)
hasher.update( value.encode() )
# if license['termdays'] != '*':
# hasher.update(str(license['date']))
digest = hasher.hexdigest().upper()
return AddHyphens(kRequestPrefix + ToBase30(digest)) # + textutils.SHAToBase30(digest))
def GetRequestCode(kRequestPrefix, LicenseId):
# try:
# RequestCode = CreateActivationRequest(LicenseId)
# print ('Let me guess that is ya request code : ' + RequestCode )
# except ModuleNotFoundError:
# print ( (' '*14) + 'Whoops error. \'sha\' where are you? Anyway I can still ask you:')
RequestCode = input( 'Enter request code : ' )
except :
RequestCode = raw_input( 'Enter request code : ' )
RequestCode = RequestCode.upper()
if RequestCode.startswith(kRequestPrefix) == False:
(' '*19) + ' ' + kRequestPrefix.ljust(5,"x") + '-xxxxx'*3 + '\n' +
(' '*14) + 'OOPS : Your request code should start with: ' + kRequestPrefix + '...\n' +
(' '*14) + ' You probably made a mistake, \n' +
(' '*14) + ' ...or didn\'t enter anything at all.\n' +
(' '*14) + ' Like this the activation code WON\'T WORK !\n' +
(' '*14) + '' +
(' '*14) + ' or this keygen is not setup for the requested 2.OSVersion or 3.WingVersion, \n'
return RequestCode
def GenActivationCode( LicenseId, RequestCode):
# 1. Gen SHA1 from 'activation code' and 'LicenseId'
hasher = hashlib.sha1( (RequestCode + LicenseId) .encode() ) \
# 2. Take only every second diget; starting with the first
Every2ndDigest = ''.join( [ c for i, c in enumerate( hasher ) if i % 2 == 0 ] )
lichash = ToBase30( Every2ndDigest )
return lichash
def GenActivationCode2( lichash ):
# 3. Apply mulhash
part5 = [ mulHash16( key, lichash) \
for key in KeyLicVer ]
part5 = ''.join( part5 )
part5 = Prefix_ActivationId + \
ToBase30( part5 )
return AddHyphens ( part5 )
## M a i n
# Key vectors for Wing IDE Professional x
#<Wing IDE 6.0>\bin\ide-2.7\src\process\pycontrol.pyo
#<Wing IDE 8.0>\bin\ide-2.7\src\process\__os__\win32\ctlutil.pyd
# Last function in the *.pyd dll - in IDA Hexray Decompiler it's some switch case
KeyLicVerX_unknown = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
# Other
KeyLicVer2_sunos = [ 48, 104, 234, 247 ]
KeyLicVer3_sunos = [ 254, 52, 98, 235 ]
KeyLicVer4_sunos = [ 207, 45, 198, 189 ]
# "macosx"
KeyLicVer2_darwi = [ 41, 207, 104, 77 ]
KeyLicVer3_darwi = [ 128, 178, 104, 95 ]
KeyLicVer4_darwi = [ 67, 167, 74, 13 ]
# "linux"
KeyLicVer2_linux = [ 142, 43, 201, 38 ]
KeyLicVer3_linux = [ 123, 163, 2, 115 ]
KeyLicVer4_linux = [ 17, 87, 120, 34 ]
# "windows"
KeyLicVer2_win32 = [ 123, 202, 97, 211 ]
KeyLicVer3_win32 = [ 127, 45, 209, 198 ]
KeyLicVer4_win32 = [ 240, 4, 47, 98 ]
KeyLicVer5_win32 = [ 7, 123, 23, 87 ]
KeyLicVer6_win32 = [ 23, 161, 47, 9 ]
KeyLicVer7_win32 = [ 221, 13, 93, 27 ]
KeyLicVer8_win32 = [ 179, 95, 45, 245 ]
## NEW Value go in here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
WingVer = 8
# key for Ver6
# KeyLicVer = KeyLicVer7_win32
kVersionRequestCodes = {
'2': 'X',
'3': '3',
'4': '4',
'5': '5',
'6': '6',
'7': '7',
'8': '8',
'9': '9',
## End of config for NEW Values
kRequestVersionCode = kVersionRequestCodes[ str(WingVer) ]
KeyLicVer = KeyLicVer8_win32
Randomness = False
kOSRequestCodes = {
'win32': 'W',
'linux': 'L',
'darwi': 'M',
'sunos': 'N',
'freeb': 'F',
'tru64': 'T',
'netbs': 'E',
'openb': 'B'
kRequestPrefix = 'R'
if sys.platform.startswith('linux') and \
os.uname()[4] in ('ppc', 'ppc64'):
kVerPrefix = 'P'
kVerPrefix = kOSRequestCodes [ sys.platform[:5] ]
kVerPrefix += kRequestVersionCode
kLicenseUseCodes = \
[ 'C' , #'Perpetual License - Commercial Use'
'E' , #'Perpetual License - Non-Commercial Use'
'N' , #'Perpetual License - Educational Use'
'T' , #'Trial License - Evaluation Use Only'
'Y' , #'Annual License - Commercial Use')
'H' , #'Annual License - Non-Commercial Use'
'6' , #'Free Annual License - Educational Use'
Prefix_LicenseId = kLicenseUseCodes[0] + "N" # "CN6"
Prefix_RequestId = kRequestPrefix + kVerPrefix # "RW6"
Prefix_ActivationId = "AXX" # = kActivationPrefix # "AXX"
KeyLen = 17
BASE16 = '0123456789ABCDEF'
BASE30 = BASE16[1:] +'GH''JKLMNPQR''T''VWXY' # no I,S,U
print('Wing IDE Professional ' + str(WingVer) + '.x - Keygen v3\n' + \
'=' * 37 + '\n')
#0. Module Testing:
def Testing():
Test_LicenseId = "CN222-22222-22222-22222"
Test_ReqCode = "RW62G-VARNH-H8KEG-EH82G"
Test_ActCode = "AXX37-R7JNG-RNF1R-D1MWE"
RemovePreFixAndHyphens = lambda x : x.replace('-','')[3:]
assert RemovePreFixAndHyphens ( Test_LicenseId ) == \
ToBase30( "5E4C5A46401C8CC33DCB" ) , \
"T0-1: Testing ToBase30()"
Test_ReqCode2 = "RW62W-9C7JP-RRLRK-VKRT7" # note: that's some intermediate code requestcode that is not shown
assert RemovePreFixAndHyphens (Test_ReqCode2 ) == \
GenActivationCode(Test_LicenseId, Test_ReqCode) , \
"T0-2: Testing GenActivationCode()"
if KeyLicVer == KeyLicVer6_win32:
assert Test_ActCode == \
GenActivationCode2(Test_ReqCode2), \
"T0-3: Testing GenActivationCode2()"
assert "AXX" + "23-QB7YB-6RG4M-YFQ86" == \
GenActivationCode2( \
GenActivationCode( Test_LicenseId, "" ) ) , \
"0-4: Test GenActivationCode() [OldStyle]"
# else:
# printerr ("Warning some tests were skipped.) "
# "They are only for version6. "
# "'KeyLicVer' was set to another version.")
if not Randomness:
print ('Randomness :', Randomness)
# 1. Gen random LicID
LicenseId = GenRandomLicID( Prefix_LicenseId )
print('License id : ' + LicenseId)
# 2. GetRequestCode
RequestCode = GetRequestCode( Prefix_RequestId, LicenseId )
# 3. Gen activation code
ActivationCode = GenActivationCode( LicenseId, RequestCode )
# That's what somehow got updated in ver 6.00 to 6.09
ActivationCode = AddHyphens( RequestCode[:3] + ActivationCode )
ActivationCode = GenActivationCode2( ActivationCode )
print('Activation code : ' + ActivationCode )
input('\nGood luck ! cw2k [at] gmx [dot] net')
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