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Last active January 4, 2016 21:09
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reading list

Things to read

  • Zhuang Zhou
    • Zhaungzi
  • Adam Smith
    • Wealth of Nations
  • Frederic Bastiat
    • The Law
  • Marx/Engels
    • Capital
    • Communist Manifesto
  • Petr Kropotkin
    • Mutual Aid: A Factor of Evolution
  • Mikhail Bakunin
    • God and the State
  • Proudhon
    • What is Property?
  • Benjamin Tucker
    • Instead of a Book (Selections from Liberty)
  • Hilaire Belloc
    • The Servile State
  • FA Hayek
    • Road to Serfdom
    • The Use of Knowledge in Societies
  • Murray Rothbard
    • ?
  • von Mises
    • The Anti-Capitalist Mentality
  • Milton Friedman
    • A Monetary History of the United States
  • Bob Black
    • The Abolition of Work
    • Anarchy After Leftism
  • Kevin Carson
    • Studies in Mutualist Political Economy
  • Matt Ridley
    • The Origins of Virtue

Non-fiction experiential stuff

  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
    • The Gulag Archipelago
  • Czesław Miłosz
    • The Captive Mind
  • Tadeusz Borowski
    • This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen
  • George Orwell
    • Homage to Catalonia
    • Down and Out in Paris & London


  • John Steinbeck
    • The Moon is Down

To read for compare/contrast

  • Rousseau
    • The Social Contract
  • Federalist Papers vs. Anti-Federalist Papers
  • Hobbes
    • Leviathan
  • JS Mill
  • Keynes
  • Chomsky
    • Manufacturing Consent
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