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Last active September 4, 2015 23:01
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var val = createInstances([0,1,2,4,...<set of ascending integers>]);
Instructions, each time user stalls, give the new "bug report"
1. is giving me NaN!
* If a candidate sees the typo (but not that total isn't set), point out that the bug is still there.
* If the user sees the reason it's NaN, then ask whether the other properties are being set correctly
2. It's not always adding listeners to the right items
* This is caused by the fact that it is using ItemFinder.find(i) instead of find(list[i])
3. It always says that position is some bizarre number instead of the current index!
4. I'm getting a weird null object error!
function createInstances(list){
// 'use strict'; recommendation would mean that the below would all
// be safer.
var item,
notifier = og.notifications.getNotifier(), created, updated, total
// The fact that there is no comma at the end means that
// results looks up the parent scope (no good)
results = {};
// This calculates list.length every time the for loop is run
// `<=` instead of < means you could have an out of bounds issue
// Bonus for using $.each or [].forEach instead.
for(var i =0; i <= list.length; i++){
// total is declared (good), but it isn't set to a number!
// Not technically a bug, but incrementing total seems a bit
// ridiculous when you can just set total = list.length
// ItemFinder.find should probably be for list[i]
// (this is code which should not "look right")
item = ItemFinder.find(i);
// typeof null is 'object', this should probably be !item instead
// Technically not needed, but points for recommending (typeof item == 'object')
// or typeof item != 'object'
if(!typeof item == 'object') {
item = new Item({created: new Date(),
updated: new Date()});
else if(item.needsUpdate()) {
// updated isn't incremented here.
item.updated(new Date());
else {
// Another uninitialized value.
// Could this cause an item to be listened to more than once? (not a guaranteed bug, but
// bonus points for noticing.)'update', function(evt){notifier.transmit({event:evt,item:this,
// i is bound to local scope, which means that at the end of the loop it will always
// equal the last value, not the position in the loop.
// not all of these values are initialized, and not all of them are updated
return {new:created, updated:updated, old:unchanged,
// this is *clearly* a typo.
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