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Created April 20, 2024 11:58
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from framebuf import FrameBuffer, MONO_HMSB, MONO_HLSB
# currently only works for monochrome (fg, bg in {-1, 0, 1})
class KeyedPalette(FrameBuffer):
def __init__(self, fg=0, bg=-1):
buf = bytearray(1)
if fg == -1:
self.key = fg = bg^1
elif bg == -1:
self.key = bg = fg^1
self.key = -1
buf[0] = (fg << 1) | bg
super().__init__(buf, 2, 1, MONO_HMSB)
def write(fb, s, x, y, font, palette=None):
for char in s:
glyph, char_height, char_width = font.get_ch(char)
if glyph:
fbc = FrameBuffer(bytearray(glyph), char_width, char_height, MONO_HMSB if font.reverse() else MONO_HLSB)
fb.blit(fbc, x, y, getattr(palette, 'key', -1), palette)
x += char_width
def measure(s, font):
w = 0
for char in s:
glyph, h, cw = font.get_ch(char)
w += cw
return w, h
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Hi, why if I run the code I get the error message File "", line 8
SyntaxError: invalid syntax for integer with base 10 ? Sorry for the maybe silly question but I am a newbie. Thanks

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There are no integers on line 8 of this file, so it’s probably talking about some other file. What are you doing exactly to “run the code”?

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I've checked more accurately the code and maybe the error I got is just due to the presence of a typo in the code I pasted where there was in line 8 an extra "c" after bg^1. Correcting it the error message disappeared. Thanks. However the level of the code is far far higher than my very modest capabilities.

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OK, I didn’t look properly, obviously 1 is an integer. :) Are you pasting this on the REPL? I would suggest putting the file on the board and importing it instead.

Here is how you use it (substituting a nano-gui font for “myfont”):

import myfont
import simplewriter

simplewriter.write(display, 'Hello World!', x, y, myfont)

If you want to write in different colors, pass simplewriter.KeyedPalette(foreground) (for a transparent background) or simplewriter.KeyedPalette(foreground, background) as an additional argument.

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Hi, thanks for the time you're spending to solve my problem. I tried this very simple code
from machine import Pin, SoftI2C
import ssd1306
import simplewriter
import freesans20 # Font

i2c = SoftI2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=400000)
oled_width = 128
oled_height = 64
oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(oled_width, oled_height, i2c)

Initialize the Writer

simplewriter.write(oled,'Hello World!', 0.20, freesans20)

But I get an error message File "", line 12, in
TypeError: function takes 5 positional arguments but 4 were given I don't understand, simce I thought that in the line there were 5 arguments. What did I miss ? Thanks .
One more question. My initial problem - still unsolved - is to find a library with fonts that allow correct display for ° symbol with 1306 SSD, SH1106 and SH1107 OLEDs (these are the usual displays I use). By Using I was able to display correctly characters with freesans20,,, etc but they are still limited to some ASCII characters and ° symbol is not included. I uploaded but I get error message since I do not know how to upload on ESP32 freetype ( I've installed it on my W11 OS by using pip command). Is there any workaround to display the ° symbol in micropython ? I tried also direct printing of Unicode character but it was unsuccessful

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There is a period . where there should be a comma , in this line:

simplewriter.write(oled,'Hello World!', 0.20, freesans20)

If the fonts that come with nano-gui don’t include the ° glyph, you’ll have to make your own that does using This utility is not meant for running on the microcontroller, but on your PC. See the instructions.

By the way, see for how to post code in a more readable way.

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bruno1950 commented Apr 21, 2024 via email

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Glad to help!

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