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Last active April 27, 2020 22:45
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Wrapper and utilities for Clojure on Windows
@echo off
rem Build script for Clojure on Windows
rem Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Chen
rem Licensed under MIT
rem Place the script at the scripts/ subdirectory of of a local Clojure repo.
rem *TODO* Use system Maven to compile Clojure
set script_path=%~dp0
set rootdir=%script_path%..\
cd %rootdir% || (
echo Failed to go to %rootdir% >&2
exit /B 1
rem Check whether PowerShell is available.
powershell -Help 1>nul 2>&1 || (
echo No PowerShell on the system >&2
exit /B 1
rem Download Maven.
powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile"
if not exist (
echo Failed to download >&2
exit /B 1
rem Unzip Maven.
powershell -Command "Expand-Archive -Path -DestinationPath %rootdir% "
if not exist %rootdir%apache-maven-3.6.3 (
echo Failed to extract maven to %rootdir%apache-maven-3.6.3 >&2
exit /B 1
set mvn=%rootdir%apache-maven-3.6.3\bin\mvn.cmd
%mvn% -Plocal -Dmaven.test.skip=true package
@echo off
rem Clean script for Clojure on Windows
rem Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Chen
rem Licensed under MIT
rem Place the script at the scripts/ subdirectory of of a local Clojure repo.
set script_path=%~dp0
set rootdir=%script_path%..\
if exist %rootdir%clojure.jar del /S %rootdir%clojure.jar
if exist %rootdir%jline-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar del /S %rootdir%jline-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
if exist del /S
if exist %rootdir%apache-maven-3.6.3 rmdir /S /Q %rootdir%apache-maven-3.6.3
@echo off
rem Wrapper for Clojure on Windows
rem Copyright (c) 2020 Michael Chen
rem Licensed under MIT
rem Place the script at the root path of a local Clojure repo.
rem Check whether Java is available.
java -version 1>nul 2>&1 || (
echo No Java on the system >&2
exit /B 1
set cwd=%CD%
set rootdir=%~dp0
rem Set extra classpath as needed.
if "x%CLASSPATH%" == "x" (
set extra_classpath=";."
) else (
set extra_classpath=";%CLASSPATH%;."
rem Check whether compiled Clojure is available.
rem If Clojure is not available, compile it from scratch
if not exist %rootdir%clojure.jar (
echo No compiled Clojure on the system >&2
echo Compile Clojure from scratch >&2
call %rootdir%scripts\clean.bat
call %rootdir%scripts\build.bat
cd %cwd%
echo Restart Clojure >&2
exit /B 0
set arg=%1
if "x%arg%" == "x" (
rem Run Clojure along with jline 1.x in interactive mode.
java -cp %rootdir%clojure.jar;%rootdir%jline-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar%extra_classpath% jline.ConsoleRunner clojure.main
) else (
rem Run Clojure alone in batch mode.
java -cp %rootdir%clojure.jar%extra_classpath% clojure.main %*
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cwchentw commented Apr 23, 2020


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