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Created December 19, 2016 14:05
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Moore Neighbor Contour Tracing Algorithm in C#
// This is a conversion to C# of the algorithm which is implemented at:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
// The System.Drawing namespace defines types like Bitmap and Point
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
namespace BoundaryTracing
class BoundaryTracing
// This gets all boundaries in the given pixels.
// It assumes you're looking for boundaries between non-transparent shapes on a transparent background
// (using the isTransparent property);
// but you could modify this, to pass in a predicate to say what background color you're looking for (e.g. White).
static List<List<Point>> create(Pixels pixels)
Size size = pixels.size;
HashSet<Point> found = new HashSet<Point>();
List<Point> list = null;
List<List<Point>> lists = new List<List<Point>>();
bool inside = false;
// Defines the neighborhood offset position from current position and the neighborhood
// position we want to check next if we find a new border at checkLocationNr.
int width = size.Width;
Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>[] neighborhood = new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>[]
new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>(point => new Point(point.X-1,point.Y), 7),
new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>(point => new Point(point.X-1,point.Y-1), 7),
new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>(point => new Point(point.X,point.Y-1), 1),
new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>(point => new Point(point.X+1,point.Y-1), 1),
new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>(point => new Point(point.X+1,point.Y), 3),
new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>(point => new Point(point.X+1,point.Y+1), 3),
new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>(point => new Point(point.X,point.Y+1), 5),
new Tuple<Func<Point, Point>, int>(point => new Point(point.X-1,point.Y+1), 5)
for (int y = 0; y < size.Height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < size.Width; ++x)
Point point = new Point(x, y);
// Scan for non-transparent pixel
if (found.Contains(point) && !inside)
// Entering an already discovered border
inside = true;
bool isTransparent = pixels.isTransparent(point);
if (!isTransparent && inside)
// Already discovered border point
if (isTransparent && inside)
// Leaving a border
inside = false;
if (!isTransparent && !inside)
lists.Add(list = new List<Point>());
// Undiscovered border point
found.Add(point); list.Add(point); // Mark the start pixel
int checkLocationNr = 1; // The neighbor number of the location we want to check for a new border point
Point startPos = point; // Set start position
int counter = 0; // Counter is used for the jacobi stop criterion
int counter2 = 0; // Counter2 is used to determine if the point we have discovered is one single point
// Trace around the neighborhood
while (true)
// The corresponding absolute array address of checkLocationNr
Point checkPosition = neighborhood[checkLocationNr - 1].Item1(point);
// Variable that holds the neighborhood position we want to check if we find a new border at checkLocationNr
int newCheckLocationNr = neighborhood[checkLocationNr - 1].Item2;
// Beware that the point might be outside the bitmap.
// The isTransparent method contains the safety check.
if (!pixels.isTransparent(checkPosition))
// Next border point found
if (checkPosition == startPos)
// Stopping criterion (jacob)
if (newCheckLocationNr == 1 || counter >= 3)
// Close loop
inside = true; // Since we are starting the search at were we first started we must set inside to true
checkLocationNr = newCheckLocationNr; // Update which neighborhood position we should check next
point = checkPosition;
counter2 = 0; // Reset the counter that keeps track of how many neighbors we have visited
found.Add(point); list.Add(point); // Set the border pixel
// Rotate clockwise in the neighborhood
checkLocationNr = 1 + (checkLocationNr % 8);
if (counter2 > 8)
// If counter2 is above 8 we have traced around the neighborhood and
// therefor the border is a single black pixel and we can exit
counter2 = 0;
list = null;
return lists;
// This gets the longest boundary (i.e. list of points), if you don't want all boundaries.
static List<Point> getPoints(List<List<Point>> lists)
lists.Sort((x, y) => x.Count.CompareTo(y.Count));
return lists.Last();
class Pixels
internal readonly Size size;
protected readonly int nPixels;
protected readonly int[] pixels;
protected Pixels(BitmapData bitmapData)
size = new Size(bitmapData.Width, bitmapData.Height);
nPixels = size.Width * size.Height;
pixels = new int[nPixels];
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, pixels, 0, nPixels);
internal static Pixels create(Bitmap image)
BitmapData bitmapData = getBitmapData(image, true);
Pixels rc = new Pixels(bitmapData);
return rc;
internal static Pixels create(string inputPath)
using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap(inputPath))
BitmapData bitmapData = getBitmapData(image, true);
Pixels rc = new Pixels(bitmapData);
return rc;
public int this[Point point]
int n = (point.Y * size.Width) + point.X;
return pixels[n];
protected set
int n = (point.Y * size.Width) + point.X;
pixels[n] = value;
internal bool contains(Point point)
return ((point.X < 0) || (point.X >= size.Width) || (point.Y < 0) || (point.Y >= size.Height)) ? false : true;
internal bool isColor(Point point, Predicate<int> wanted)
int pixel = this[point];
return wanted(pixel);
internal bool isTransparent(Point point)
if (!contains(point))
return true;
return isColor(point, isTransparent);
static bool isTransparent(int argb)
Color color = Color.FromArgb(argb);
return (color.A == 0);
protected static BitmapData getBitmapData(Bitmap image, bool isReadOnly)
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(new Point(0, 0), image.Size);
return image.LockBits(rect, (isReadOnly) ? ImageLockMode.ReadOnly : ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
// This is a writable version of the Pixels class.
// Don't forget to call the save method (could refactor this to use Dispose instead),
// and to dispose the Bitmap it's constructed from after you finish with the Pixels2 instance.
class Pixels2 : Pixels
internal static new Pixels2 create(Bitmap image)
BitmapData bitmapData = getBitmapData(image, false);
return new Pixels2(image, bitmapData);
readonly Bitmap image;
readonly BitmapData bitmapData;
Pixels2(Bitmap image, BitmapData bitmapData)
: base(bitmapData)
this.image = image;
this.bitmapData = bitmapData;
internal void save(string outputPath)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(pixels, 0, bitmapData.Scan0, nPixels);
internal void setColor(Point point, int argb)
base[point] = argb;
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What's the license of this implementation?

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cwellsx commented Oct 16, 2022

@janus-toendering Sorry, I didn't see your comment.
As far as I'm concerned the license can be MIT or BSD.

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