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Created August 16, 2018 01:01
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  • Save cwhinfrey/83c351f422273033b968fdb087898947 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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12:0 warning 'Storage' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
15:0 warning 'EstateRegistry' has no natspec comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
48:2 warning 'mint' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
58:2 warning 'mint' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
72:2 warning 'onERC721Received' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
93:2 warning 'transferLand' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
110:2 warning 'transferManyLands' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
131:2 warning 'getLandEstateId' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
135:2 warning 'setLANDRegistry' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
142:2 warning 'ping' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
151:2 warning 'getEstateSize' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
161:2 warning 'updateMetadata' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
178:2 warning 'getMetadata' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
182:2 warning 'setUpdateOperator' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
187:2 warning 'isUpdateAuthorized' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
199:2 warning 'safeTransferManyFrom' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
217:2 warning 'safeTransferManyFrom' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
241:2 warning '_mintEstate' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
256:2 warning '_updateMetadata' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
265:2 warning '_getNewEstateId' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
274:2 warning '_pushLandId' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
294:2 warning '_transferLand' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
311:28 warning Avoid use of arithmetic operation '-' directly. Use SafeMath instead. zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
316:24 warning Avoid use of arithmetic operation '-' directly. Use SafeMath instead. zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
326:29 warning Avoid use of arithmetic operation '+' directly. Use SafeMath instead. zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
350:2 warning '_isUpdateAuthorized' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
354:2 warning '_bytesToUint' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
358:37 warning Avoid use of arithmetic operation '*' directly. Use SafeMath instead. zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
4:0 warning 'LANDRegistry' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
5:2 warning 'ping' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
6:2 warning 'ownerOf' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
7:2 warning 'safeTransferFrom' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
11:0 warning 'EstateStorage' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
4:0 warning 'IEstateRegistry' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
5:2 warning 'mint' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
3:0 warning 'ILANDRegistry' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
6:2 warning 'assignNewParcel' has no natspec comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
7:2 warning 'assignMultipleParcels' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
10:2 warning 'ping' has no natspec comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
13:2 warning 'encodeTokenId' has no natspec comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
14:2 warning 'decodeTokenId' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
15:2 warning 'exists' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
16:2 warning 'ownerOfLand' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
17:2 warning 'ownerOfLandMany' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
18:2 warning 'landOf' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
19:2 warning 'landData' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
22:2 warning 'transferLand' has no natspec comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
23:2 warning 'transferManyLand' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
26:2 warning 'updateLandData' has no natspec comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
27:2 warning 'updateManyLandData' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
19:0 warning 'LANDRegistry' has no natspec comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
22:2 warning 'initialize' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
53:2 warning 'isUpdateAuthorized' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
57:2 warning '_isUpdateAuthorized' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
61:2 warning 'authorizeDeploy' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
65:2 warning 'forbidDeploy' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
69:2 warning 'assignNewParcel' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
73:2 warning 'assignMultipleParcels' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
83:2 warning 'ping' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
88:2 warning 'setLatestToNow' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
98:2 warning 'encodeTokenId' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
102:2 warning '_encodeTokenId' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
110:2 warning '_unsafeEncodeTokenId' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
111:12 warning Avoid use of arithmetic operation '*' directly. Use SafeMath instead. zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
114:2 warning 'decodeTokenId' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
118:2 warning '_unsafeDecodeTokenId' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
123:2 warning '_decodeTokenId' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
131:2 warning 'expandNegative128BitCast' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
138:2 warning 'exists' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
142:2 warning '_exists' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
146:2 warning 'ownerOfLand' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
150:2 warning '_ownerOfLand' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
154:2 warning 'ownerOfLandMany' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
166:2 warning 'landOf' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
182:2 warning 'tokenMetadata' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
186:2 warning '_tokenMetadata' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
196:2 warning 'landData' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
204:2 warning 'transferFrom' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
204:2 warning FunctionDeclaration must be succeeded by 1 blank line blank-lines
217:2 warning 'transferLand' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
229:2 warning 'transferManyLand' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
246:2 warning 'transferLandToEstate' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
258:2 warning 'transferManyLandToEstate' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
275:2 warning 'setUpdateOperator' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
286:2 warning 'setEstateRegistry' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
291:2 warning 'createEstate' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
296:2 warning 'createEstateWithMetadata' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
309:2 warning '_createEstate' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
340:2 warning 'toBytes' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
350:2 warning 'updateLandData' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
361:2 warning '_updateLandData' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
382:2 warning 'updateManyLandData' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
390:2 warning '_doTransferFrom' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
412:2 warning '_isContract' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
6:0 warning 'LANDStorage' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
6:0 warning 'IMetadataHolder' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
7:2 warning 'getMetadata' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
5:0 warning Contract 'MetadataHolderBase' must be preceded by 2 blank lines. blank-lines
5:0 warning 'MetadataHolderBase' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
4:0 warning 'SomeOtherContract' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
8:2 warning 'supportsInterface' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
4:0 warning 'DelegateProxy' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
10:2 warning 'delegatedFwd' has no natspec title comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
28:2 warning 'isContract' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
4:0 warning 'IApplication' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
5:2 warning 'initialize' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
7:0 warning 'LANDProxy' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
6:0 warning 'Ownable' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
15:2 warning 'transferOwnership' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
4:0 warning 'OwnableStorage' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
9:0 warning 'Proxy' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
23:2 warning 'null' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
37:2 warning 'transferOwnership' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
47:2 warning 'upgrade' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
4:0 warning 'ProxyStorage' has no comment. zeppelin/missing-natspec-comments
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