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Created October 14, 2014 19:51
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// CiTextField.h
// CinderText
// Created by Charlie Whitney on 10/13/14.
#pragma once
#include "cinder/app/AppNative.h"
#include "cinder/gl/TextureFont.h"
class CiTextField {
CiTextField( std::string text, ci::Rectf bounds, ci::Font font );
void setText( std::string text );
void setBounds( ci::Rectf bounds );
void draw();
bool bUseScissorTest;
void onMouseDown( ci::app::MouseEvent event );
void onMouseDrag( ci::app::MouseEvent event );
void onMouseUp( ci::app::MouseEvent event );
void onKeyDown( ci::app::KeyEvent event );
void onKeyUp( ci::app::KeyEvent event );
int getCursorIndex( ci::Vec2f pos );
bool bDragging;
bool bActive;
bool bHighlighted;
ci::Vec2f mCursorPos;
int mCaratIndex, mCaratStart;
ci::Color mColorStroke, mColorFill, mColorText, mColorHighlight;
std::string mText;
ci::Rectf mBounds;
ci::Vec2f emSize;
ci::Font mFont;
ci::gl::TextureFontRef tFont;
// mouse events
boost::signals2::scoped_connection mMouseDownCb,
// CiTextField.cpp
// CinderText
// Created by Charlie Whitney on 10/13/14.
#include "CiTextField.h"
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;
CiTextField::CiTextField( std::string text, ci::Rectf bounds, ci::Font font ){
mColorStroke = Color(1,1,1);
mColorFill = Color::gray(0.2);
mColorText = Color(1,1,1);
mColorHighlight = Color::hex(0xb6d6fd);
mFont = font;
if( mFont ){
tFont = gl::TextureFont::create( mFont );
emSize = tFont->measureString("M");
ci::app::WindowRef window = cinder::app::getWindow();
mMouseDownCb = window->getSignalMouseDown().connect( std::bind(&CiTextField::onMouseDown, this, std::placeholders::_1) );
mMouseDragCb = window->getSignalMouseDrag().connect( std::bind(&CiTextField::onMouseDrag, this, std::placeholders::_1) );
mMouseUpCb = window->getSignalMouseUp().connect( std::bind(&CiTextField::onMouseUp, this, std::placeholders::_1) );
mKeyDownCb = window->getSignalKeyDown().connect( std::bind(&CiTextField::onKeyDown, this, std::placeholders::_1) );
mKeyUpCb = window->getSignalKeyUp().connect( std::bind(&CiTextField::onKeyUp, this, std::placeholders::_1) );
bDragging = false;
bActive = false;
bHighlighted = false;
bUseScissorTest = true;
mCaratIndex = mText.size();
void CiTextField::setBounds( ci::Rectf bounds ){
mBounds = bounds;
void CiTextField::setText(std::string text){
mText = text;
void CiTextField::onKeyDown(KeyEvent event){
if( !bActive ){
if( event.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_LEFT ){
bDragging = false;
mCaratIndex = max(mCaratIndex - 1, 0);
}else if( event.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_RIGHT ){
bDragging = false;
mCaratIndex = min(mCaratIndex + 1, (int)mText.size());
else if( event.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_DELETE ){
if( bHighlighted ){
int s = min(mCaratStart, mCaratIndex);
int e = max(mCaratStart, mCaratIndex);
mText.erase(s, e-s);
mCaratIndex = s;
mText.erase(mCaratIndex, 1);
else if( event.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_BACKSPACE ){
if( bHighlighted ){
int s = min(mCaratStart, mCaratIndex);
int e = max(mCaratStart, mCaratIndex);
mText.erase(s, e-s);
mCaratIndex = s;
mText.erase(mCaratIndex-1, 1);
else if (event.getCode() > 31 && event.getCode() < 272){ // delete is in here, but we handle it above
if( bHighlighted ){
int s = min(mCaratStart, mCaratIndex);
int e = max(mCaratStart, mCaratIndex);
mText.erase(s, e-s);
mText.insert(s, 1, event.getChar() );
mCaratIndex = s+1;
bHighlighted = false;
mText.insert(mCaratIndex, 1, event.getChar() );
bHighlighted = false;
void CiTextField::onKeyUp(KeyEvent event){
void CiTextField::onMouseDown( ci::app::MouseEvent event ){
bHighlighted = false;
bDragging = false;
bActive = false;
if( mBounds.contains(event.getPos()) ){
bDragging = true;
bActive = true;
mCaratStart = mCaratIndex = getCursorIndex( event.getPos() - mBounds.getUpperLeft() ); // pass in the local pos
mCaratIndex = mCaratStart;
void CiTextField::onMouseDrag( ci::app::MouseEvent event ){
if( bDragging ){
mCaratIndex = getCursorIndex( event.getPos() - mBounds.getUpperLeft() );
void CiTextField::onMouseUp( ci::app::MouseEvent event ){
if( bDragging ){
bActive = true;
mCaratIndex = getCursorIndex( event.getPos() - mBounds.getUpperLeft() );
if( mCaratStart != mCaratIndex ){
bHighlighted = true;
bActive = false;
bHighlighted = false;
bDragging = false;
int CiTextField::getCursorIndex( ci::Vec2f localPos ){
int i=0;
for( ; i<mText.size()+1; i++){
Vec2f sm = tFont->measureString( mText.substr(0,i) );
if( sm.x > localPos.x ){
return i-1;
return 0;
// We didn't find it, so put the cursor at the end
if( i == mText.size()+1 ){
return mText.size();
return mCaratIndex;
void CiTextField::draw(){
if( !tFont ){
if( !mFont )
tFont = gl::TextureFont::create( mFont );
emSize = tFont->measureString("M");
if( bUseScissorTest ){
glScissor( mBounds.x1, getWindowHeight() - mBounds.y1 - mBounds.getHeight(), mBounds.getWidth(), mBounds.getHeight() );
gl::color( mColorFill );
gl::drawSolidRect( mBounds );
gl::color( mColorStroke );
gl::drawStrokedRect( mBounds );
// draw our cursor line
if( bActive ){
mCursorPos.x = tFont->measureString( mText.substr(0, mCaratIndex) ).x + mBounds.x1;
gl::color( mColorHighlight );
gl::translate( 0, mBounds.y1 + emSize.y*0.1);
gl::drawLine( mCursorPos, mCursorPos + Vec2f(0, emSize.y) );
if( bDragging || bHighlighted ) {
gl::color( mColorHighlight );
Vec2f UL( tFont->measureString( mText.substr(0, mCaratStart) ).x, 0);
Vec2f LR( tFont->measureString( mText.substr(0, mCaratIndex) ).x, emSize.y);
Rectf highlighRect(UL, LR);
highlighRect.offset( mBounds.getUpperLeft() + Vec2f(0, emSize.y *0.1) );
gl::drawSolidRect( highlighRect );
gl::color( mColorText );
tFont->drawString(mText, Vec2f(mBounds.x1,mBounds.y1 + emSize.y) );
if( bUseScissorTest ){
#include "cinder/app/AppNative.h"
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#include "CiTextField.h"
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
using namespace std;
class CinderTextApp : public AppNative {
void setup();
void mouseDown( MouseEvent event );
void update();
void draw();
CiTextField *tf1;
CiTextField *tf2;
void CinderTextApp::setup() {
ci::Font fontOne("Helvetica", 40);
ci::Font fontTwo("Times New Roman", 16);
tf1 = new CiTextField("Booya", Rectf(100,100,300, 150), fontOne );
tf2 = new CiTextField("Hellooo", Rectf(100,200,300, 225), fontTwo );
void CinderTextApp::mouseDown( MouseEvent event ){
void CinderTextApp::update(){
void CinderTextApp::draw() {
// clear out the window with black
gl::clear( Color( 0, 0, 0 ) );
CINDER_APP_NATIVE( CinderTextApp, RendererGl )
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