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Created March 12, 2024 18:22
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New Obsidian Convert
# Define the paths to the Supernote, Supernote Tool, and Obsidian directories
$dropBoxPath = "/Users/chris/Dropbox"
$obsidianVaultPath = "/Users/chris/Obsidian/WhitsNotesV6"
$superNotePath = "${dropBoxPath}/Supernote/Note"
$noteTakingAppPath = "${obsidianVaultPath}/_Inbox/"
$pdfPath = "${obsidianVaultPath}/zSupporting Files/Attachments/SuperNote/"
$superNoteToolPath = "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/bin/supernote-tool"
$returnLine = "`r`n"
# Delete the existing PDF and image directories if they exist
if (Test-Path $pdfPath) {
Remove-Item -Force -Recurse -Path $pdfPath
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $pdfPath
# Get a list of all of the .note files in the Supernote directory
$noteFiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $superNotePath -Filter *.note
# Iterate over each .note file and convert it to a PDF and image file
foreach ($noteFile in $noteFiles) {
# Get the file ID from the .note file
$fileID = Get-Content -Path $noteFile.FullName -Raw | Select-String -Pattern "<FILE_ID:(.*?)>" | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value }
# Get the file name and path without the extension
$noteFilePath = $noteFile.DirectoryName
$noteFileNameWithOutExt = $noteFile.BaseName
$notePathTags = $noteFilePath.Replace($dropBoxPath,"").Replace(" ", "").Replace("/","${returnLine} - ")
$noteFileNameTags = $noteFileNameWithOutExt.Replace(" ", "").Replace("_","${returnLine} - ")
$noteCreatedDate = $noteFile.CreationTime.ToString()
$noteTags = "${notePathTags}${returnLine} - ${noteFileNameTags}"
# Generate the paths to the PDF and image files
$pdfFileName = "${fileID}.pdf"
$pdfFile = Join-Path -Path $pdfPath -ChildPath "${pdfFileName}"
# Convert the .note file to a PDF file if it doesn't exist or is newer than the existing PDF file
if (! (Test-Path $pdfFile) -or ($noteFile.LastWriteTime -gt $pdfFile.LastWriteTime)) {
$noteFullPath = $noteFile.FullName
Write-Output "${superNoteToolPath} convert --policy=loose -t pdf -a ""$noteFullPath"" ""$pdfFile"""
Invoke-Expression "${superNoteToolPath} convert --policy=loose -t pdf -a ""$noteFullPath"" ""$pdfFile"""
# Get the path to the Markdown file
#$markdownPath = Join-Path -Path $noteTakingAppPath -ChildPath $noteFilePath.Substring($superNotePath.Length)
$markdownFile = Join-Path -Path $noteTakingAppPath -ChildPath "${noteFileNameWithOutExt}.md"
# Check if the Markdown file already contains a reference to the image file
#$existingMarkdownFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $obsidianVaultPath -Filter *.md -Recurse | Where-Object { Get-Content -Path $_.FullName -Raw | Select-String -Pattern "${fileID}.pdf" }
$existingMarkdownFile = Get-ChildItem "${obsidianVaultPath}\*.md" -recurse | Select-String -Pattern "${fileID}.pdf"
# If the Markdown file doesn't contain a reference to the image file, add it
if ($existingMarkdownFile.length -eq 0) {
New-Item -ItemType File -Path "$markdownFile" -Force
Add-Content -Path "$markdownFile" -Value "---${returnLine}tags:${returnLine}${noteTags}${returnLine}createddate: ${noteCreatedDate}${returnLine}participants: ${returnline}---${returnLine}"
Add-Content -Path "$markdownFile" -Value "- [ ] File Incoming SuperNote ${noteFileNameWithOutExt}"
Add-Content -Path "$markdownFile" -Value "#### *SuperNote Files Do Not Edit Below This Line*"
Add-Content -Path "$markdownFile" -Value "![[$pdfFileName]]"
} else {
Write-Output "Already Exists"
# SuperNote Can export
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