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Just have your APIs as code

Before getting into the details, what I mean with APIs as code, I would like to provide a bit of context, why it might be worth to think about it.
We all know, companies today need to reduce manual tasks as much as possible to be efficient, so that they can focus on other more important tasks, which finally brings real value to a company. Instead of doing repeatable things over and over again.
Automation can and is already applied in many areas different areas. For instance by providing a Platform as a service, that allows developers to quickly build & create their applications fully automated. Or when in comes to required infrastrcture in the cloud or On-Premise, tools like Terraform or Chef are used and often name "Infrastructure as Code".
Since quite a while already software development companies are using CI/CD-Pipelines to automatically build, test & deploy software projects. This allows a quicker time-to-market, getting earlier feedback, more stable solutions and mak