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Created August 17, 2017 13:58
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Can copy visual studio warnings to a file and generate the xml for whitelisting them in the config.nsdepcop. Much better ways to do this, just a quick and dirty solution when setting up some really large projects.
void Main()
WarningParser parser = new WarningParser();
var lines = parser.GetRows(@"C:\Users\cwigley\Downloads\warnings.txt");
var allowed = parser.GetAllowed(lines).OrderBy(p => p.From).ThenBy(p => p.To).ThenBy(p => p.VisibleMembers.Types[0].Name).ToList();
var reconciled = parser.Reconcile(allowed);
AllowedSerializer serializer = new AllowedSerializer();
var result = serializer.GetEntries(reconciled);
public class AllowedSerializer
public string GetEntries(List<Allowed> reconciled)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in reconciled)
builder.AppendLine($"<Allowed From=\"{item.From}\" To=\"{item.To}\" >");
foreach (var type in item.VisibleMembers.Types)
builder.AppendLine($"\t\t<Type Name=\"{type.Name}\" />");
return builder.ToString();
public class WarningParser
public List<string> GetRows(string raw)
return File.ReadAllLines(raw).ToList();
public List<Allowed> GetAllowed(List<string> rows)
List<Allowed> result = new List<UserQuery.Allowed>();
foreach (var row in rows)
return result;
public Allowed GetAllowed(string row)
//Warning Illegal namespace reference: From.Namespace->To.Namespace (Type: FromType->ToType)
Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[A-Za-z\s]*: (\b[A-Za-z0-9\.]*\b)->(\b[A-Za-z0-9\.]*\b).*->([A-Za-z0-9`]*)");
Match match = regex.Match(row);
var result = new Allowed { From = match.Groups[1].Value, To = match.Groups[2].Value };
var member = new VisibleMember();
member.Types.Add(new VisibleType { Name=match.Groups[3].Value});
result.VisibleMembers = member;
if (!result.IsValid())
throw new InvalidOperationException(row);
return result;
public List<Allowed> Reconcile(List<Allowed> raw)
List<Allowed> result = new List<Allowed> ();
Dictionary<string,Allowed> allowedSections = new Dictionary<string, Allowed>();
foreach (var item in raw)
string key = $"{item.From}-{item.To}";
if (!allowedSections.ContainsKey(key))
foreach (var item in raw)
string key = $"{item.From}-{item.To}";
if (allowedSections[key].VisibleMembers.Types.Any(t => t.Name.Equals(item.VisibleMembers.Types[0].Name)))
return allowedSections.Select(s => s.Value).ToList();
public class Allowed
public string From { get; set; }
public string To { get; set; }
public VisibleMember VisibleMembers { get; set;}
public bool IsValid()
return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(From) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(To);
public class VisibleMember
public List<VisibleType> Types { get; set; }
public VisibleMember()
Types=new List<VisibleType>();
public class VisibleType
public string Name { get; set; }
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