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Forked from joelouismarino/
Last active July 13, 2021 15:30
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Python library for whitening and coloring data
'''Python library for decorrelating and correlating data
Forked from joelouismarino/
Also based on R's,
and an SAS blog post:
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
def whitening_matrix(X, assume_centered=False, method='zca', fudge=1e-8):
'''Whitening / decorrelation matrix for a dataset `X`
Returns a matrix `W` such that `X @ W.T` has identity (or diagonal in the
case that method in ('zca_cor', 'pca_cor')) covariance, assuming
that `X` is centered.
The matrix square root is not unique, so several methods are provided.
- 'pca' computes the PCA matrix. This will sphere the data and map
principal directions to the standard basis.
- 'zca' - Zero-phase correlation analysis. Like PCA, but without the
rotation to the standard basis -- so, directions in the data are
- 'cholesky'
X : np.array
Data array with shape (n_samples, n_feature1, ..., n_featurek)
assume_centered : boolean
If false, center the data.
method : string
One of zca, pca, cholesky, zca_cor, pca_cor
fudge : float
Small factor to de-emphasize small eigenvalues.
W : np.array
n_features x n_features matrix, where
n_features = n_feature1 * ... * n_featurek
# Make sure data is n_samples x n_features
X = X.reshape((-1,[1:])))
# Center
X_centered = X
if not assume_centered:
X_centered = X - np.mean(X, axis=0)
cov = X_centered.T @ X_centered / X_centered.shape[0]
if method in ['zca', 'pca']:
U, sigma, _ = la.svd(cov)
U = U @ np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(U))) # Fix sign ambiguity
invsqrt_sigma = np.diag(1.0 / np.sqrt(sigma + fudge))
if method == 'zca':
W = U @ invsqrt_sigma @ U.T
elif method == 'pca':
W = invsqrt_sigma @ U.T
elif method == 'cholesky':
W = la.cholesky(la.pinv(cov), lower=True)
elif method in ['zca_cor', 'pca_cor']:
stds = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))
corr = cov / np.outer(stds, stds)
G, theta, _ = la.svd(corr)
G = G @ np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(G))) # Fix sign ambiguity
invsqrt_theta = np.diag(1.0 / np.sqrt(theta + fudge))
if method == 'zca_cor':
W = G @ invsqrt_theta @ G.T @ np.diag(1 / stds)
elif method == 'pca_cor':
W = invsqrt_theta @ G.T @ np.diag(1 / stds)
raise ValueError(f'Whitening method {method} not found.')
return W
def whiten(X, assume_centered=False, method='zca', fudge=1e-8):
'''Decorrelate a dataset `X`
X : np.array
Dataset with shape (n_samples, n_feature1, ..., n_featurek)
assume_centered : boolean
If false, center the data.
method : string
One of zca, pca, cholesky, zca_cor, pca_cor
fudge : float
Small factor to de-emphasize small eigenvalues.
Z : an array with the same shape as `X`.
# Center
X_centered = X
if not assume_centered:
X_centered = X - np.mean(X, axis=0)
W = whitening_matrix(
X_centered, assume_centered=True, method=method, fudge=fudge
Z = X_centered @ W.T
Z = Z.reshape(X.shape)
return Z
def coloring_matrix(X, assume_centered=False, method='cholesky'):
'''Coloring matrix for a dataset `X`
Returns a matrix `C` such that `(C @ Z.T).T` or equivalently
`Z @ C.T` has the correlation structure of `X`, assuming that `Z`
was uncorrelated to start with.
X : np.array
Data array with shape (n_samples, n_feature1, ..., n_featurek)
assume_centered : boolean
If false, center the data.
method : string
One of zca, pca, cholesky
C : np.array
n_features x n_features matrix, where
n_features = n_feature1 * ... * n_featurek
# Make sure data is n_samples x n_features
X = X.reshape((-1,[1:])))
# Center
X_centered = X
if not assume_centered:
X_centered = X - np.mean(X, axis=0)
cov = X_centered.T @ X_centered / X_centered.shape[0]
if method == 'cholesky':
C = la.cholesky(cov, lower=True)
elif method in ['zca', 'pca']:
U, sigma, _ = la.svd(cov)
U = U @ np.diag(np.sign(np.diag(U))) # Fix sign ambiguity
sqrt_sigma = np.diag(np.sqrt(sigma))
if method == 'zca':
C = U @ sqrt_sigma @ U.T
elif method == 'pca':
C = U @ sqrt_sigma
raise ValueError(f'Coloring method {method} not found.')
return C
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