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Created August 30, 2014 13:25
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Convex Polygon Intersection
* This is the Point constructor. Polygon uses this object, but it is
* just a really simple set of x and y coordinates.
function Point(px, py) {
this.x = px;
this.y = py;
* This is the Polygon constructor. All points are center-relative.
function Polygon(c, clr) {
this.points = new Array(); = c;
this.color = clr; // used when drawing
* Point x and y values should be relative to the center.
Polygon.prototype.addPoint = function(p) {
* Point x and y values should be absolute coordinates.
Polygon.prototype.addAbsolutePoint = function(p) {
this.points.push( { "x": p.x -, "y": p.y - } );
* Returns the number of sides. Equal to the number of vertices.
Polygon.prototype.getNumberOfSides = function() {
return this.points.length;
* rotate the polygon by a number of radians
Polygon.prototype.rotate = function(rads) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++) {
var x = this.points[i].x;
var y = this.points[i].y;
this.points[i].x = Math.cos(rads) * x - Math.sin(rads) * y;
this.points[i].y = Math.sin(rads) * x + Math.cos(rads) * y;
* The draw function takes as a parameter a Context object from
* a Canvas element and draws the polygon on it.
Polygon.prototype.draw = function(ctx) {;
ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
ctx.moveTo(this.points[0].x +, this.points[0].y +;
for (var i = 1; i < this.points.length; i++) {
ctx.lineTo(this.points[i].x +, this.points[i].y +;
* This function returns true if the given point is inside the polygon,
* and false otherwise.
Polygon.prototype.containsPoint = function(pnt) {
var nvert = this.points.length;
var testx = pnt.x;
var testy = pnt.y;
var vertx = new Array();
for (var q = 0; q < this.points.length; q++) {
vertx.push(this.points[q].x +;
var verty = new Array();
for (var w = 0; w < this.points.length; w++) {
verty.push(this.points[w].y +;
var i, j = 0;
var c = false;
for (i = 0, j = nvert - 1; i < nvert; j = i++) {
if ( ((verty[i]>testy) != (verty[j]>testy)) &&
(testx < (vertx[j]-vertx[i]) * (testy-verty[i]) / (verty[j]-verty[i]) + vertx[i]) )
c = !c;
return c;
* To detect intersection with another Polygon object, this
* function uses the Separating Axis Theorem. It returns false
* if there is no intersection, or an object if there is. The object
* contains 2 fields, overlap and axis. Moving the polygon by overlap
* on axis will get the polygons out of intersection.
Polygon.prototype.intersectsWith = function(other) {
var axis = new Point();
var tmp, minA, maxA, minB, maxB;
var side, i;
var smallest = null;
var overlap = 99999999;
/* test polygon A's sides */
for (side = 0; side < this.getNumberOfSides(); side++)
/* get the axis that we will project onto */
if (side == 0)
axis.x = this.points[this.getNumberOfSides() - 1].y - this.points[0].y;
axis.y = this.points[0].x - this.points[this.getNumberOfSides() - 1].x;
axis.x = this.points[side - 1].y - this.points[side].y;
axis.y = this.points[side].x - this.points[side - 1].x;
/* normalize the axis */
tmp = Math.sqrt(axis.x * axis.x + axis.y * axis.y);
axis.x /= tmp;
axis.y /= tmp;
/* project polygon A onto axis to determine the min/max */
minA = maxA = this.points[0].x * axis.x + this.points[0].y * axis.y;
for (i = 1; i < this.getNumberOfSides(); i++)
tmp = this.points[i].x * axis.x + this.points[i].y * axis.y;
if (tmp > maxA)
maxA = tmp;
else if (tmp < minA)
minA = tmp;
/* correct for offset */
tmp = * axis.x + * axis.y;
minA += tmp;
maxA += tmp;
/* project polygon B onto axis to determine the min/max */
minB = maxB = other.points[0].x * axis.x + other.points[0].y * axis.y;
for (i = 1; i < other.getNumberOfSides(); i++)
tmp = other.points[i].x * axis.x + other.points[i].y * axis.y;
if (tmp > maxB)
maxB = tmp;
else if (tmp < minB)
minB = tmp;
/* correct for offset */
tmp = * axis.x + * axis.y;
minB += tmp;
maxB += tmp;
/* test if lines intersect, if not, return false */
if (maxA < minB || minA > maxB) {
return false;
} else {
var o = (maxA > maxB ? maxB - minA : maxA - minB);
if (o < overlap) {
overlap = o;
smallest = {x: axis.x, y: axis.y};
/* test polygon B's sides */
for (side = 0; side < other.getNumberOfSides(); side++)
/* get the axis that we will project onto */
if (side == 0)
axis.x = other.points[other.getNumberOfSides() - 1].y - other.points[0].y;
axis.y = other.points[0].x - other.points[other.getNumberOfSides() - 1].x;
axis.x = other.points[side - 1].y - other.points[side].y;
axis.y = other.points[side].x - other.points[side - 1].x;
/* normalize the axis */
tmp = Math.sqrt(axis.x * axis.x + axis.y * axis.y);
axis.x /= tmp;
axis.y /= tmp;
/* project polygon A onto axis to determine the min/max */
minA = maxA = this.points[0].x * axis.x + this.points[0].y * axis.y;
for (i = 1; i < this.getNumberOfSides(); i++)
tmp = this.points[i].x * axis.x + this.points[i].y * axis.y;
if (tmp > maxA)
maxA = tmp;
else if (tmp < minA)
minA = tmp;
/* correct for offset */
tmp = * axis.x + * axis.y;
minA += tmp;
maxA += tmp;
/* project polygon B onto axis to determine the min/max */
minB = maxB = other.points[0].x * axis.x + other.points[0].y * axis.y;
for (i = 1; i < other.getNumberOfSides(); i++)
tmp = other.points[i].x * axis.x + other.points[i].y * axis.y;
if (tmp > maxB)
maxB = tmp;
else if (tmp < minB)
minB = tmp;
/* correct for offset */
tmp = * axis.x + * axis.y;
minB += tmp;
maxB += tmp;
/* test if lines intersect, if not, return false */
if (maxA < minB || minA > maxB) {
return false;
} else {
var o = (maxA > maxB ? maxB - minA : maxA - minB);
if (o < overlap) {
overlap = o;
smallest = {x: axis.x, y: axis.y};
return {"overlap": overlap + 0.001, "axis": smallest};
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