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Save cwlind/b3d73485420e78ee5c5463795e43361a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A number of Global Variables to be accessed throughout the scripts to
reduce effort in updating in future.
// Event ID column number
var eventIDCol = 1;
// Status column number
var statusCol = 2;
Create Menu item for resetting the tool.
Get Google Sheet ID and add to Config Sheet.
Create the 'Authorise your account' hyperlink on the Welcome Sheet.
function onOpen() {
// add a custom menu to the spreadsheet
.addItem('Reset spreadsheet', 'reset') // label for menu item, name of function to run.
Function to check the provided Calendar ID can be accessed.
Creates and deletes a quick test Event.
Calls main 'master' Function.
function checkCalendarID() {
// run Function to log message
logEvent('Script started');
toastPopup("Preparing to start ...", "Initialising");
// get Welcome Sheet
var welcomeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Welcome');
// get Calendar ID and trim any white-spaces. Log in spreadsheet
var calendarID = welcomeSheet.getRange(6, 2).getValue().trim();
logEvent("Calendar ID is: " + calendarID);
// check if Calendar ID cell is blank
if (calendarID == "") {
// Calendar ID is blank. Run Function to display popup
displayPopup("Blank Calendar ID", "Please check the Welcome sheet.")
else {
// try accessing the Calendar to confirm ID works
try {
// get the Calendar
var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarID);
// create a test event to confirm have sufficient privileges
var event = calendar.createEvent('Create event test',
new Date('January 10, 2021 20:00:00 UTC'),
new Date('January 10, 2021 21:00:00 UTC')
// get the ID of the new event so we can delete it after creation
var eventID = event.getId();
// delete the new event
// log success with getting Calendar
logEvent('Successfully got Calendar and created/deleted test event');
// set Flag to true for rest of script to proceed
var calendarFlag = true;
catch (e) {
// problem accessing Calendar via given ID
logEvent("Problem with given Calendar ID: " + e);
// set Flag to false to stop rest of script
var calendarFlag = false;
// unable to access Calendar correctly. Run Function to display popup
displayPopup("Unable to access the Calendar", "Please check the ID on the Welcome sheet and that " +
"you have sufficient access to create events on this Calendar");
// run Function to proceed with rest of script
if (calendarFlag) {
// proceed with main Function
else {
// stop, do not continue any furter
Master Function to run - will call other relevant Functions as required.
function master(calendarID) {
try {
// create empty 'error' var for capturing any error messages
var error = '';
// run Function to get spreadsheet data
var spreadsheetData = getSpreadsheetData();
// get length of returned array to check there is data
var spreadsheetDataLength = spreadsheetData.length;
// check there is data in the spreadsheet before proceeding *********
if (spreadsheetDataLength > 0) {
// run Function to log message
logEvent("There is data in the spreadsheet");
// create counter variable for number of successful events created
var eventCounter = 0;
// loop through each row of data ***********************************
for (var row = 0; row < spreadsheetDataLength; row++) {
// check no existing Event ID or Status in sheet before proceeding
var eventID = spreadsheetData[row][eventIDCol - 1];
var status = spreadsheetData[row][statusCol - 1];
if ((eventID == '') && (status == '')) {
// run Function to check for missing data which will prevent event creation
var checkDataReturn = checkData(spreadsheetData, row);
if (checkDataReturn) {
// run Function to create event and return its ID
eventID = createEvent(calendarID, checkDataReturn, row);
if (eventID) {
// event successfully created
// increment event creation counter by '1'
else {
// problem creating event so break out of loop
// update error variable
error = 'Script completed with error';
else {
// there is missing data so break out of loop
// update error variable
error = 'Script completed with error';
else {
// Event ID or Status for row is not empty. Ignore this row.
logEvent("Event ID or Status for row " + (row + 3) + " is not empty");
// loop through each row of data ***********************************
else {
// no data in spreadsheet
// update error variable
error = 'Script completed with error';
// check there is data in the spreadsheet before proceeding *********
// determine status of 'error' variable to output correct end status
if (error != '') {
// run Function to log message
else {
// no error occurred
// check value of event creation counter to determine popup message
if (eventCounter == 0) {
// no new events were created
var popupMessage = "<p>No new events were created.</p>";
else if (eventCounter > 0) {
// new events were created
var popupMessage = eventCounter + " new events were created.</p>";
// run Function to launch HTML popup to inform user of success
var popupTitle = "Completed";
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
// log message
logEvent('Script completed');
catch (e) {
// run Function to log message
logEvent("''master' Function error: " + e);
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "'master' Function error";
var popupMessage = "<p>Problem with 'master' Function: </p>" + e;
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
Function to gather all data from Google Sheet.
function getSpreadsheetData() {
try {
// get spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// get Events sheet
var eventsSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Events');
// run Function to get last row (minus 2 for Header rows)
var eventsSheetLastRow = lastRow(eventsSheet) - 2;
// run Function to log message
logEvent("Function 'eventsSheetLastRow' returned: " + eventsSheetLastRow);
// check value of number of rows
if (eventsSheetLastRow == 0) {
// problem, so display message to user and terminate Function
// run Function to display popup box
var popupTitle = "No rows of data";
var popupMessage = "The Events sheet does not contain any data. Please correct.";
displayPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
// return nothing so Parent Function does not proceed
return '';
else {
// no problem so continue
// get last column
var eventsSheetLastCol = eventsSheet.getLastColumn();
// get all event data
var spreadsheetData = eventsSheet.getRange(3, 1, eventsSheetLastRow, eventsSheetLastCol).getValues();
// return data to Parent Function
return spreadsheetData;
catch (e) {
// run Function to log message
logEvent("''getSpreadsheetData' Function error: " + e);
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "'getSpreadsheetData' Function error";
var popupMessage = "<p>Problem with 'getSpreadsheetData' Function: </p>" + e;
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
// return nothing so Parent Function does not proceed
return '';
Function to find the last row of a given column (range).
Required as the tickboxes do not allow the usual 'getLastRow()' method to work.
This looks down a given column and stops at the last row of data.
function lastRow(sheetName) {
try {
// get all data within column
var columnToCheck = sheetName.getRange('C:C').getValues();
// run Function to calculate last row of data
var lastRowNumber = getLastRowSpecial(columnToCheck);
// return row number to Parent Function
return lastRowNumber;
// Function to get the last row based on the data range of a single column.
function getLastRowSpecial(columnToCheck) {
// set initial variable values before proceeding
var rowNum = 0;
var blank = false;
// loop through each row ******************************
for (var row = 0; row < columnToCheck.length; row++) {
// check if row item is blank and that 'blank' variable is not false (so true)
if ((columnToCheck[row][0] == "") && (!blank)) {
// condition is true to get row number and set 'blank' to true
rowNum = row;
blank = true;
else if (columnToCheck[row][0] != "") {
// condition is not true as value in cell so set 'blank' to false
blank = false;
// loop through each row ******************************
// return row number to Parent Function
return rowNum;
catch (e) {
// run Function to log message
logEvent("''lastRow' Function error: " + e);
Function to check through row of data looking for missing values which would
prevent Event creation.
Ignores optional values:
> Event Description
> Google Meet
> Guests
> Location
> Send Guest Emails
> Guests Invite Others
> Guests Can Modify
> Guests Can See Others
> Show Me As
function checkData(spreadsheetData, row) {
try {
// get TimeZone from spreadsheet
var timeZone = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSpreadsheetTimeZone();
// extract values from 2-D array
var summary = spreadsheetData[row][2];
var description = spreadsheetData[row][3];
var startDate = spreadsheetData[row][4];
var startHour = spreadsheetData[row][5];
var startMin = spreadsheetData[row][6];
var endDate = spreadsheetData[row][7];
var endHour = spreadsheetData[row][8];
var endMin = spreadsheetData[row][9];
var meetTickbox = spreadsheetData[row][10];
var guests = spreadsheetData[row][11];
var location = spreadsheetData[row][12];
var guestEmails = spreadsheetData[row][13];
var guestsInviteOthers = spreadsheetData[row][14];
var guestsCanModify = spreadsheetData[row][15];
var guestsSeeOthers = spreadsheetData[row][16];
var showMeAs = spreadsheetData[row][17];
var visibility = spreadsheetData[row][18];
// check for any blank values ********************************
if (summary == '') {
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Event not created: 'Event Title' is empty. Please fix and try again.</p>";
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
logEvent("''Event Title' is empty in row " + (row + 3));
// return false to signify missing data
return false;
else if (startDate == '') {
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Event not created: 'Start Date' is empty. Please fix and try again.</p>";
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
logEvent("''Start Date' is empty in row " + (row + 3));
// return false to signify missing data
return false;
else if (startHour == '') {
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Event not created: 'Start Hour' is empty. Please fix and try again.</p>";
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
logEvent("''Start Hour' is empty in row " + (row + 3));
// return false to signify missing data
return false;
else if (startMin == '') {
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Event not created: 'Start Minutes' is empty. Please fix and try again.</p>";
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
logEvent("''Start Minutes' is empty in row " + (row + 3));
// return false to signify missing data
return false;
else if (endDate == '') {
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Event not created: 'End Date' is empty. Please fix and try again.</p>";
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
logEvent("''End Date' is empty in row " + (row + 3));
// return false to signify missing data
return false;
else if (endHour == '') {
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Event not created: 'End Hour' is empty. Please fix and try again.</p>";
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
logEvent("''End Hour' is empty in row " + (row + 3));
// return false to signify missing data
return false;
else if (endMin == '') {
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Event not created: 'End Minutes' is empty. Please fix and try again.</p>";
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
logEvent("''End Minutes' is empty in row " + (row + 3));
// return false to signify missing data
return false;
else {
// return a name:value pair array of spreadsheet data so easier to work with
var cleanSpreadsheetData = {
timeZone: timeZone, summary: summary, description: description, startDate: startDate, startHour: startHour, startMin: startMin, endDate: endDate,
endHour: endHour, endMin: endMin, meetTickbox: meetTickbox, guests: guests, location: location, guestEmails: guestEmails, guestsInviteOthers: guestsInviteOthers, guestsCanModify: guestsCanModify, guestsSeeOthers: guestsSeeOthers,
showMeAs: showMeAs, visibility: visibility
return cleanSpreadsheetData;
catch (e) {
// run Function to log message
logEvent("'checkData' Function error: " + e);
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "'checkData' Function error";
var popupMessage = "<p>Problem with 'checkData' Function: </p>" + e;
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
// return false so Parent Function does not proceed
return false;
Function to create the Google Calendar Event for the given row.
Will create a Google Meet or call to create a Zoom Meeting if selected.
function createEvent(calendarID, checkDataReturn, row) {
try {
// run Function to log message
logEvent("Creating Event for row: " + (row + 3));
// create title for the event
var summary = checkDataReturn['summary'];
// create event description
var description = checkDataReturn['description'];
//create event location from spreadsheet data.
var location = checkDataReturn['location'];
// create start/end date/time for the event *********
var timeZone = checkDataReturn['timeZone'];
// extract relevant parts of start date/time to create 'ISO 8601 Extended format' compatible
var startDate = checkDataReturn['startDate'];
var formattedStartDate = Utilities.formatDate(startDate, timeZone, "yyyy-MM-dd");
var startHour = checkDataReturn['startHour'].trim();
var startMin = checkDataReturn['startMin'].trim();
// recombine above parts to created suitably formatted date
var fixedStartDate = formattedStartDate + 'T' + startHour + ':' + startMin + ':' + '00' + '.000';
// run Function to log value
// extract relevant parts of end date/time to create 'ISO 8601 Extended format' compatible
var endDate = checkDataReturn['endDate'];
var formattedEndDate = Utilities.formatDate(endDate, timeZone, "yyyy-MM-dd");
var endHour = checkDataReturn['endHour'].trim();
var endMin = checkDataReturn['endMin'].trim();
// recombine above parts to created suitably formatted date
var fixedEndDate = formattedEndDate + 'T' + endHour + ':' + endMin + ':' + '00' + '.000';
// run Function to log value
var start = {
dateTime: fixedStartDate,
timeZone: timeZone
var end = {
dateTime: fixedEndDate,
timeZone: timeZone
// create start/end date/time for the event *********
// get data on attendees (guests) from spreadsheet
var guests = checkDataReturn['guests'];
if (guests) {
// run Function to sort attendees (guests)
var attendees = sortAttendees(calendarID, guests, row);
// check if sorting attendees was successful before proceeding
if (!attendees) {
// 'attendees' is false, so problem, return 'false' flag to stop script proceeding
return false;
else {
// attendees were successfully sorted, no action required, script continues
else {
// there are no attendees (guests) in spreadsheet data
// get value for sending invite emails to guests - 'all' or 'none'
var sendUpdates = checkDataReturn['guestEmails'];
// translate value to terminology used by API rather than friendly terms used in sheet
if (sendUpdates == 'yes') {
sendUpdates = 'all';
else {
sendUpdates = 'none';
// get value for guests inviting others
var guestsCanInviteOthers = checkDataReturn['guestsInviteOthers'];
// translate value to terminology used by API rather than friendly terms used in sheet
if (guestsCanInviteOthers == 'no') {
guestsCanInviteOthers = false;
else {
guestsCanInviteOthers = true;
// get value for guests can modify event
var guestsCanModify = checkDataReturn['guestsCanModify'];
// translate value to terminology used by API rather than friendly terms used in sheet
if (guestsCanModify == 'no') {
guestsCanModify = false;
else {
guestsCanModify = true;
// get value for guests seeing others
var guestsCanSeeOtherGuests = checkDataReturn['guestsSeeOthers'];
// translate value to terminology used by API rather than friendly terms used in sheet
if (guestsCanSeeOtherGuests == 'no') {
guestsCanSeeOtherGuests = false;
else {
guestsCanSeeOtherGuests = true;
// get value for Show Me As
var transparency = checkDataReturn['showMeAs'];
// translate value to terminology used by API rather than friendly terms used in sheet
if (transparency == "free") {
transparency = "transparent";
else {
// any other value should be set to this default
transparency = "opaque";
// get value for event visibility
var visibility = checkDataReturn['visibility'];
// check if value blank and set to 'default' if so, as API requires a value
if (visibility == '') {
visibility = 'default';
else {
// do nothing as value is not blank and hence will be accepted by API
// get Google Meet tickbox status and add conferencing if ticked
var meetTickbox = checkDataReturn['meetTickbox'];
if (meetTickbox) {
// generate a random string to use for requestId
var uniqueValue = Utilities.getUuid();
var requestId = uniqueValue.slice(0, 5); // get first 5 characters
// create conferencing information
var conferenceData = {
createRequest: {
requestId: requestId,
conferenceSolutionKey: {
type: "hangoutsMeet"
else {
// Google Meet tickbox not selected so conferencing not required
// compile relevant options for the event
var resource = {
// create arguments to allow event modifications: conferencing, email guests
var args = {
conferenceDataVersion: 1,
catch (e) {
// problem sorting event details from spreadsheet, return false value
logEvent("Problem sorting details from spreadsheet for row " + (row + 3) + ":" + e);
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Event not created: Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Problem with 'createEvent' Function: </p>" + e;
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
// return 'false' flag for fail
return false;
try {
// make call to Calendar API to create event
var request = Calendar.Events.insert(resource, calendarID, args);
// capture event ID and run Function to toast
var eventID =;
toastPopup("'" + summary + "'", 'Created Event Row ' + (row + 3));
// capture event HTML link
var eventHTML = request.htmlLink;
// run Function and paste event ID into spreadsheet as clickable link
var eventHTMLLink = '=HYPERLINK("' + eventHTML + '","' + eventID + '")';
pasteIntoSheet((row + 3), eventIDCol, eventHTMLLink, '#000000');
// run Function and update Status column in spreadsheet
pasteIntoSheet((row + 3), statusCol, 'Completed', '#11c000');
// return 'true' flag for success
return true;
catch (e) {
// problem creating event with Calendar API, return false value
logEvent("Problem with 'Calendar.Events.insert' for row " + (row + 3) + ":" + e);
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Event not created: Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Problem with 'createEvent' Function API call: </p>" + e;
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
// return 'false' flag for fail
return false;
Function to sort through comma-separated list of guest email addresses.
Splits via a comma and space.
Then pushes each email address into an array in correct format.
Also adds the Calendar creating the Event as a Guest and sets
response-status to 'accepted' so they are attending.
function sortAttendees(calendarID, guests, row) {
try {
// get array from comma-separated email addresses
var emailAddresses = guests.split(', ');
// create empty array to populate with email addresses
var emailAddressArray = [];
// get length of emailAddresses array for loop
var emailAddressesLength = emailAddresses.length;
// loop through each email address and push into array with correct format ********
for (var email = 0; email < emailAddressesLength; email++) {
// get email address as a variable so easier to use
var emailAddress = emailAddresses[email].trim();
// push each email address into array in correct format
emailAddressArray.push({ email: emailAddress });
// loop through each email address and push into array with relevant syntax ********
// also add Calendar creating the Event as a Guest
emailAddressArray.push({ email: calendarID, responseStatus: "accepted"});
// run Function to log message
logEvent("Successfully sorted Calendar Event Guests");
// return array to Parent Function
return emailAddressArray;
catch (e) {
// problem sorting attendees
logEvent('Problem with sortAttendees' + e);
// run Function to launch HTML popup
var popupTitle = "Event not created: Row " + (row + 3);
var popupMessage = "<p>Problem with 'sortAttendees' Function: </p>" + e;
htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage);
// return false flag to signify issue
return false;
Display a modal dialog box with custom HtmlService content.
Does not suspend the script.
Message needs to include '<p></p>' tags.
function htmlPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage) {
var htmlOutput = HtmlService
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(htmlOutput, popupTitle);
Output log information to Log Sheet.
function logEvent(message) {
// get the user running the script
var theUser = Session.getActiveUser().getEmail();
// get the relevant spreadsheet to output log details
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var logSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Log');
// create and format a timestamp
var dateTime = new Date();
var timeZone = ss.getSpreadsheetTimeZone();
var niceDateTime = Utilities.formatDate(dateTime, timeZone, "dd/MM/yy @ HH:mm:ss");
// create array of data for pasting into log sheet
var logData = [niceDateTime, theUser, message];
// append details into next row of log sheet
Function that can be passed a row & column number, along with a value,
to paste something into the Events Sheet.
function pasteIntoSheet(row, column, value, color) {
// get spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// get Events sheet
var eventsSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Events');
// get relevant cell
var cell = eventsSheet.getRange(row, column);
// paste in value
// set colour
Function to create a Toast Popup notification with customised message.
Created as standalone so can be called from anywhere else within Project.
function toastPopup(msg, title) {
// get Spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// create Toast Popup
ss.toast(msg, title);
Function for a universal popup box.
function displayPopup(popupTitle, popupMessage) {
// get Spreadsheet UI
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
// create Alert popup box
var result = ui.alert(
Function to reset spreadsheet to start again.
function reset() {
// log that reset Function has been selected
logEvent("Initiated 'Reset' Function");
// get Spreadsheet UI
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
// create Alert popup box
var result = ui.alert(
'Reset spreadsheet',
'Do you wish to remove all inputted information to start again?',
// process user response from Popup Box
if (result == ui.Button.OK) {
logEvent("Selected 'OK' to reset spreadsheet");
// get current spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// get Welcome sheet
var welcomeSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Welcome');
// clear Calendar ID box
welcomeSheet.getRange(6, 2).clearContent();
// get Events sheet
var eventsSheet = ss.getSheetByName('Events');
// run Function to get last row (minus 2 for Header rows)
var eventsSheetLastRow = lastRow(eventsSheet) - 2;
// get last column
var eventsSheetLastCol = eventsSheet.getLastColumn();
// clear all event details
eventsSheet.getRange(3, 1, eventsSheetLastRow, eventsSheetLastCol).clearContent();
// log completion of Function
logEvent("Completed 'Reset' Function.");
// display alert popup to user to confirm completion
ui.alert('Successfully cleared spreadsheet data.');
else {
// User clicked 'No' or 'X' in title bar so do nothing
logEvent("Selected 'CANCEL' to reset spreadsheet");
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