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Created November 4, 2013 17:34
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// C for C programmers
// Assignment 2
// compiles and runs under g++ 4.8.1 with no options and also
// with strict language and error checking turned on
// (-ansi -std=c++98 -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wpedantic)
// Note that I do NOT use 'using namespace std' - this is considered
// bad practise as it leads to namespace pollution - see, for instance,
// the style guide linked to in the course:
// Also, in real world this would very much be done as multiple files,
// properly split out; the instructions do say a single file, so here it is
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <utility> // for pair
#include <algorithm> // for the various heap functions
// short helper function to get a random number in the range [lower..upper]
// In practise this will not give perfectly uniform distribution due to the inaccuracies
// of double precision, espectially v.close to the edges. However it is good enough
// for here.
inline double rand( double lower, double upper )
return lower + (std::rand() * (upper-lower) / RAND_MAX);
// compare_nodes helper function needed for the various *_heap functions
// These functions want the largest value on the top of the heap, but we want
// the smallest distance of the pair instead.
struct compare_nodes
bool operator()( const std::pair<unsigned int,double> &left,
const std::pair<unsigned int,double> &right )
return left.second > right.second;
// The edgelist is a list of all nodes that can be reached from a single node
// and it's distances
class EdgeList
// create a new, empty edgelist
EdgeList( unsigned int index=0 )
this->index = index;
// getter for index (read-only, so no setter)
unsigned int get_index( void )
return index;
// adds an edge to the list
void add_edge( unsigned int index, double distance )
// need to check whether this route already exists or not.
if( data.find(index) != data.end() )
// it does. Is this route better?
double current = data[index];
if ( distance < current )
// yes. Store it.
data[index] = distance;
data[index] = distance;
// expose the data iterator for the operator overload (begin)
std::map<unsigned int,double>::iterator begin( void )
return data.begin();
// expose the data iterator for the operator overload (end)
std::map<unsigned int,double>::iterator end( void )
return data.end();
// data is stored as a map from node index (unsigned int) to distance (double)
std::map<unsigned int,double> data;
// the source node index for this edgelist
unsigned int index;
// ostream override for pretty printing of EdgeList
std::ostream &operator<<( std::ostream &out, EdgeList &edge_list )
out << edge_list.get_index() << ": ";
for( std::map<unsigned int,double>::iterator data_iter=edge_list.begin();
data_iter != edge_list.end();
++data_iter )
//first is the index, second the distance
out << data_iter->first << " (" << data_iter->second << ") ";
out << std::endl;
return out;
// A Graph is a set of nodes and weighted, undirected edges between them
class Graph
Graph( unsigned int node_count, double edge_density, double minimum_distance=1.0, double maximum_distance=10.0)
// the chosen distance between two nodes.
// Declared here to prevent needless reallocation.
double distance;
this->node_count = node_count;
// rand will return RAND_MAX+1 possible ints, but we will want to create
// an edge for only edge_density of these.
// Compute this now to save on repeated calculations.
// Note that we use a long here in case an edge density of >1.0 is used
const long edge_chance = static_cast<long> (RAND_MAX * edge_density);
// initialise the vector of EdgeLists
for( unsigned int i=0; i<node_count; ++i )
data.push_back( EdgeList(i) );
// iterate over each (node,node) pair in turn, and consider making an edge between them.
for( unsigned int i=0; i<node_count; ++i )
// note that in Dijkstra's algorithm, reflexive (node to itself) links
// are effectively ignored as it will always be quicker to not take
// that edge. We can safely ignore any such (nonsensical) links.
// Also, since we are looking at undirected graphs, we only need to
// consider the triangular matrix - hence starting j from i+1 and
// assigning the edge j->i as well as i->j
for( unsigned int j=i+1; j<node_count; ++j )
if( std::rand() <= edge_chance )
distance = rand( minimum_distance,maximum_distance );
data[i].add_edge( j,distance );
data[j].add_edge( i,distance );
// calculate_shortest_path
// Given a graph and two nodes within the graph, finds the shortest path
// between thema via Dijkstra's algorithm
double calculate_shortest_path( unsigned int from, unsigned int to)
// sanity check provided values
if( from==to || from >= node_count || to >= node_count )
return 0.0;
// create a map of places we *know* the shortest distance to.
// implicitly, we have visited ourself with a distance of 0
std::map<unsigned int,double> visited;
visited[from] = 0.0;
// now create a vector of (index,distance pairings) of potential next
// points and what it would cost to get there from the visited set.
// Seed this with all visitable nodes from the start point.
std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int,double> > next;
for( std::map<unsigned int,double>::iterator next_iter=data[from].begin();
next.push_back( std::make_pair(next_iter->first,next_iter->second) );
//sort it so that the smallest item is on the top
std::make_heap( next.begin(), next.end(), compare_nodes() );
// now we are all set up, call the inner recursive function to do the work.
return calculate_shortest_path_recurse(to,visited,next);
// calculate_average_distance calculates the average path length in the graph
// from node 0 to all other nodes.
double calculate_average_distance( void )
// the total distance along the paths and the distance between two specific nodes
double total_distance=0.0, distance=0.0;
// the number of nodes linked in the graph
unsigned int number_linked=0;
// calculate the average distance between node 0 and all other nodes
for( unsigned int i=1; i<node_count; ++i )
distance = calculate_shortest_path(0,i);
// check that we have a path
if( distance > 0.0 )
// build up the running total of distances and link count
total_distance += distance;
return total_distance/number_linked;
// expose the data iterator for the operator overload (begin)
std::vector<EdgeList>::iterator begin( void )
return data.begin();
// expose the data iterator for the operator overload (end)
std::vector<EdgeList>::iterator end( void )
return data.end();
// calculate_shortest_path_recurse
// The recursive loop for Dijkstra's algorithm.
// Picks a single node from next,
// adds it to visited,
// checks for completion,
// augments next with any new items
// recurses onwards.
double calculate_shortest_path_recurse( unsigned int to,
std::map<unsigned int,double> &visited,
std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int,double> > &next )
// check we haven't run out of places
if( next.size()==0 )
return 0.0;
// take the next node off the list.
std::pair<unsigned int,double> node=next.front();
// heaps are weird in stl. need to use pop_heap to move the front
// to the back then pop that.
std::pop_heap( next.begin(),next.end(),compare_nodes() );
// add it to the visited list
visited[node.first] = node.second;
// check for exit condition.
if( node.first==to )
return node.second;
//nope, so consider list of potential new next nodes
for( std::map<unsigned int,double>::iterator edge_iter=data[node.first].begin();
++edge_iter )
// first check that the node is not already visited
if( visited.find(edge_iter->first) != visited.end() )
// don't bother with this one, we already have a best path
// is it already on the next list?
bool already_found = false;
for( std::vector< std::pair<unsigned int,double> >::iterator next_iter=next.begin();
++next_iter )
if( next_iter->first==edge_iter->first )
// it is! But is this a better route?
if( edge_iter->second + node.second < next_iter->second )
// yes! note the new distance
next_iter->second = edge_iter->second + node.second;
already_found = true;
// need to rework the heap, potentially
std::make_heap( next.begin(),next.end(),compare_nodes() );
// all done for this one, break out
// did we parse this node?
if( already_found==true )
// it has yet to appear in next, so add it
// note that we need to add node.second to reflect the true cost of getting there.
next.push_back( std::make_pair(edge_iter->first,node.second+edge_iter->second) );
std::push_heap( next.begin(),next.end(),compare_nodes() );
// now we have set up for the next iteration, recurse in.
return calculate_shortest_path_recurse( to,visited,next );
// data is a vector of edgelists.
// the Nth vector in data is a map of all the nodes reachable from node N and their distance-costs.
std::vector< EdgeList > data;
unsigned int node_count;
// ostream override for pretty printing of Graph
std::ostream &operator<<( std::ostream &out, Graph &graph )
for( std::vector<EdgeList>::iterator data_iter=graph.begin();
data_iter != graph.end();
++data_iter )
out << *data_iter;
return out;
// entry point to the program
int main( void )
// initialise random number generator with something random enough.
std::srand( time(NULL) );
// create a graph of 50 NODES, 20% connectivity, distances from 1.0 to 10.0
Graph G = Graph( 50,0.2 );
std::cout << "Average distance for 20% connectivity: " << G.calculate_average_distance() << std::endl;
// Now make one with 40%
G = Graph( 50,0.4 );
std::cout << "Average distance for 40% connectivity: " << G.calculate_average_distance() << std::endl;
return 0;
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