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Created April 7, 2017 21:25
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Music constituents published after 1900
declare namespace tei = "";
declare function local:w3cdtf-to-xsdate($d as xs:string) as xs:date
let $dstring :=
if ($d castable as xs:gYear) then $d || "-01-01"
else if ($d castable as xs:gYearMonth) then $d || "-01"
else if ($d castable as xs:date) then $d
else error($d, "not valid w3cdtf")
return xs:date($dstring)
let $issuesOfInterest := collection('/db/bmtn-data/transcriptions')//tei:date[./@when > "1900-01-01"]/ancestor::tei:TEI
let $AllMusicSections := $issuesOfInterest//tei:classCode[.='Music']/ancestor::tei:relatedItem[@type='constituent']
return $AllMusicSections
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