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Last active December 21, 2015 18:28
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Save cwvhogue/6347114 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Plot distribution of image file sizes using ImageMagick 'identify' command - default output. 1. Reorganize the 'identify' output into a sorted .csv file. 2. Look for and remove broken images, regenerate .csv file with clean image set. 3. Plot histogram of image size distribution with R.
# image_identify.txt is a file with the default output from ImageMagick 'identify'
# run over a set of JPG files locally,
# or the equivalent Manta MapReduce 'identify' output from the previous Gist.
$ identify *.jpg > image_identify.txt
$ head -5 image_identify.txt
00000201.jpg JPEG 3295x5947 3295x5947+0+0 8-bit sRGB 23.99MB 0.010u 0:00.000
00000301.jpg[1] JPEG 4470x3126 4470x3126+0+0 8-bit sRGB 22.15MB 0.000u 0:00.009
00000401.jpg[2] JPEG 3115x4485 3115x4485+0+0 8-bit sRGB 19.41MB 0.000u 0:00.000
00000501.jpg[3] JPEG 3093x4515 3093x4515+0+0 8-bit sRGB 19.39MB 0.000u 0:00.000
00000601.jpg[4] JPEG 3871x3613 3871x3613+0+0 8-bit sRGB 26.64MB 0.000u 0:00.000
# Reorganize to a sorted list of file size, units, filename and write to a csv file:
$ cat image_identify.txt | \
awk '{print $7 " " $1}' | \
sort -n | \
sed 's/MB/ MB/' | \
sed 's/KB/ KB/' | \
sed 's/\[/ \[/' | \
awk '{print $1 ", " $2 ", " $3}' > image_sizes.csv
# In this example, there are 3 files that were bad
# - these sort to the top of the list as you can see:
$ head -5 image_sizes.csv
0.000u, 03901101.jpg,
0.000u, 10821901.jpg,
0.010u, 00660201.jpg,
2.988, MB, 02047401.jpg
3.747, MB, 01505401.jpg
$ tail -5 image_sizes.csv
188.5, MB, 11033001.jpg
200.9, MB, 00063101.jpg
248.3, MB, 00104401.jpg
277.7, MB, 00056101.jpg
327.5, MB, 00099001.jpg
# Also look for any KB sized images - possibly broken data transfers
# that have complete JPEG headers, but may not be full-length files:
$ grep KB image_sizes.csv
# In this case - no output.
# Any transmission broken images you might find may need to be re-transferred.
# Remove any broken images from the data set.
# Repeat the 'identify' command on the cleaned up set of files and the
# above filter to generate a clean *.csv file with no broken images.
# Now you can plot a histogram in R
# Fire up R and plot a histogram of the image size distribution
# - assumes there are no KB sized images in the set!
$ R
> image_sizes<-read.csv(header=FALSE, "image_sizes.csv")
> hist(image_sizes[,1],breaks=500, main="Image Size", xlab="MB")
> rug(image_sizes[,1])
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