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Created April 21, 2020 03:38
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# 21 Apr 2020
# Chul-Woong Yang
# Client (C) Proxy (P1) Proxy (P2)
# veth0 veth0 veth0
# | | |
# veth pair veth pair veth pair
# | | |
# -----------(HOST)----------------------------
# client-veth0 p1-veth0 p2-veth0
# | | |
# +-----------------+---------------+------- enp4s0 ---- INTERNET
# Policy Routing on Host
# [Client->P1]
# ip rule: from iif client-veth0 lookup 101
# ip route: (101) default via dev p1-veth0
# [P1->P2]
# ip rule: from iif p1-veth0 lookup 102
# ip route: (102) default via dev p2-veth0
# [P2->Internet]
# ip route: (master) default via dev enp4s0 proto static metric 100
# iptables: -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o enp4s0 -j MASQUERADE
# [Internet->P2]
# ip rule: from all to iif enp4s0 lookup 102
# ip route: (102) default via dev p2-veth0
# [P2->P1]
# ip rule: from all to iif p2-veth0 lookup 101
# ip route: (101) default via dev p1-veth0
# [P1->Client]
# ip rule: from all to iif proxy-veth0 lookup 100
# ip route: (100) default via dev client-veth0
use strict;
my $debug=1;
my $dryrun=1;
my $ip="ip";
my $iptables="iptables";
my $nic_name="veth0";
sub run_cmd {
my $cmd = shift;
print "$cmd\n" if ($debug);
return if ($dryrun);
my $result = system("$cmd > /dev/null");
if ($result != 0) {
print " Error: ($result) $cmd \n";
sub iptables {
my $arg = shift;
if ($arg =~ /-A\b/) {
(my $del_arg = $arg) =~ s/-A\b/-D/;
run_cmd("$iptables $del_arg");
run_cmd("$iptables $arg");
sub ip {
my $ns = shift if (@_ >= 3);
my ($cmd, $arg) = @_;
my $combined_cmd = $ns ? "$ip netns exec $ns $ip $cmd" : "$ip $cmd";
if ($cmd eq "rule") {
my $del_arg = $arg;
if ($del_arg =~ s/\badd\b/del/) {
run_cmd("$combined_cmd $del_arg");
run_cmd("$combined_cmd $arg");
sub make_ns {
my ($target, $nsaddr, $hostaddr) = @_;
my ($host) = split(/\//, $hostaddr);
ip("netns", "del $target");
ip("link", "del $target-$nic_name");
# create namespace
ip("netns", "add $target");
# create a veth pair
ip("link", "add $target-$nic_name type veth peer name $nic_name");
ip("link", "set $nic_name netns $target");
# address setup
ip("addr", "add $hostaddr dev $target-$nic_name");
ip("link", "set $target-$nic_name up");
# address setup on target namespace
ip($target, "addr", "add $nsaddr dev $nic_name");
ip($target, "link", "set $nic_name up");
ip($target, "link", "set lo up");
ip($target, "route", "add default via $host dev $nic_name");
sub route_setup {
my $net_client = "";
my $net_p1 = "";
my $net_p2 = "";
my $gw_client = "";
my $gw_p1 = "";
my $gw_p2 = "";
my $nic_client="client-veth0";
my $nic_p1 ="p1-veth0";
my $nic_p2 ="p2-veth0";
my $nic_internet="enp4s0";
if ($debug) {
# we need to do following things like to enable netfliter logging
iptables("-A PREROUTING -t raw -j TRACE");
system "sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_log_all_netns=1";
system "sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_log.2=nf_log_ipv4";
# system "sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_log.2=nfnetlink_log";
# flush
for my $i (100..102) {
ip("route", "flush table $i");
# OUTBOUND: src --> p1
ip("rule", "add from $net_client iif $nic_client prio 100 table 101");
# OUTBOUND: p1 --> p2
ip("rule", "add from $net_client iif $nic_p1 prio 100 table 102");
# OUTBOUND: proxy --> internet: default route
# INBOUND: internet --> p2
ip("rule", "add to $net_client iif $nic_internet prio 100 table 102");
# INBOUND: p2 --> p1
ip("rule", "add to $net_client iif $nic_p2 prio 100 table 101");
# INBOUND: p1 --> client
ip("rule", "add to $net_client iif $nic_p1 prio 100 table 100");
# RT: route to client
ip("route", "add default via $gw_client dev $nic_client table 100");
# RT: route to p1
ip("route", "add default via $gw_p1 dev $nic_p1 table 101");
# RT: route to p2
ip("route", "add default via $gw_p2 dev $nic_p2 table 102");
iptables("-A POSTROUTING -t nat -s $net_client ! -d $net_client -o $nic_internet -j MASQUERADE");
# conntrack zone split
# zone 0: default zone, generic host traffic along p2 and Internet
# zone 1: client <-> p1 traffic
# zone 2: p1 <-> p2 traffic
iptables("-A PREROUTING -t raw -i $nic_client -s $net_client -j CT --zone 1");
iptables("-A PREROUTING -t raw -i $nic_p1 -d $net_client -j CT --zone 1");
iptables("-A PREROUTING -t raw -i $nic_p1 -s $net_client -j CT --zone 2");
iptables("-A PREROUTING -t raw -i $nic_p2 -d $net_client -j CT --zone 2");
if (1) {
make_ns("client", "", "");
make_ns("p1", "", "");
make_ns("p2", "", "");
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