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Created May 18, 2020 18:57
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Python autocorrelation functions; 1D and 2D exploiting FFT identity for speedup, one vanilla 1D not using FFT
import numpy as np
def auto_corr(data, normalize=True):
# Performs an autocorrelation on data
# Note that for data size n_data, we autocorrelate to 2*n_data-1 points
# (i.e. this returns a larger array than passed)
n_data = data.shape[0] # Number of data points in the input data
n_ac = 2*n_data-1 # Autocorrelation array size
result = np.empty(n_ac) # Allocate the result
# Compute the result
for index in range(0, n_ac):
data_lo = max(index+1-n_data,0)
data_hi = min(index+1, n_data)
conj_lo = max(n_data-1-index,0)
conj_hi = min(2*n_data-1-index, n_data)
result[index] = np.vdot(data[conj_lo:conj_hi], data[data_lo:data_hi])
if normalize:
return result/n_data
return result
def auto_corr2D_viafft(data, normalize=True):
# Returns a 2D autocorrelation computed via an intermediate FFT
# Number of data pts
nx, ny = data.shape[0], data.shape[1]
padded = np.append(data, np.zeros((nx,ny)), axis=0)
padded = np.append(padded, np.zeros((2*nx,ny)), axis=1)
# Perform the FFT
data_dft = np.fft.fft2(padded)
# DFT of auto-correlation is simply (conjugate) multiplication
# Elt-wise multiplication of fft
data_ac_dft = np.multiply(np.conjugate(data_dft), data_dft)
# Inverse FFT to return to time
# Note this array will be half-shifted
result_shifted = np.fft.ifft2(data_ac_dft)
# Flip the result array around
return_shape = (result_shifted.shape[0]-1, result_shifted.shape[1]-1)
temp_array_a = np.empty(return_shape)
temp_array_b = np.empty(return_shape)
# Flip in x:
temp_array_a[0:nx,:] = result_shifted[nx-1:2*nx-1,0:2*ny-1]
temp_array_a[nx:2*nx-1,:] = result_shifted[0:nx-1,0:2*ny-1]
# Flip in y:
temp_array_b[:,0:ny] = temp_array_a[:,ny-1:2*ny-1]
temp_array_b[:,ny:2*ny-1] = temp_array_a[:,0:ny-1]
if normalize:
return temp_array_b/float(nx*ny)
return temp_array_b
def auto_corr_viafft(data, normalize=True):
# Returns an autocorrelation computed via an intermediate FFT
# Number of data pts
nt = data.shape[0]
# Perform the FFT
data_dft = np.fft.fft(np.append(data,np.zeros(nt)))
# DFT of auto-correlation is simply (conjugate) multiplication
# Elt-wise multiplication of fft
data_ac_dft = np.multiply(np.conjugate(data_dft), data_dft)
# Inverse FFT to return to time
# Note this array will be half-shifted
result_shifted = np.fft.ifft(data_ac_dft)
# Allocate result
result = np.empty(2*nt-1)
# Flip the result
result[0:nt] = result_shifted[nt-1:2*nt-1]
result[nt:2*nt-1] = result_shifted[0:nt-1]
# Return result
if normalize:
return result/float(nt)
return result
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