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Last active November 15, 2018 20:04
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  • Save cxhercules/dd3946326119c7d068838ba50c2de3be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save cxhercules/dd3946326119c7d068838ba50c2de3be to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
VBoxManage controlvm minikube natpf1 k8s-apiserver,tcp,,8443,,8443
kubectl config set-cluster minikube-vpn --server= --insecure-skip-tls-verify
kubectl config set-context minikube-vpn --cluster=minikube-vpn --user=minikube
kubectl config use-context minikube-vpn
VBoxManage controlvm minikube natpf1 k8s-dashboard,tcp,,30000,,30000
VBoxManage controlvm minikube natpf1 docker,tcp,,2376,,2376
minikube docker-env|sed 's/'
export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/chercules/.minikube/certs"
export DOCKER_API_VERSION="1.35"
# Run this command to configure your shell:
# eval $(minikube docker-env|sed 's/')
## To connect to docker repo
docker --tlsverify=false ps
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