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Forked from etnperlong/SmartMover.vbs
Created December 9, 2020 01:26
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百度网盘 <-> Rclone 转存 OneDrive 自动化VBS脚本
' 百度网盘 <-> Rclone 转存 OneDrive 自动化VBS脚本
' Version: 0.422
' 功能:
' - 按目录结构转存
' - 配合 Folder Monitor 等文件夹监控工具
' - 转存完毕后可删除源文件,节省硬盘空间
' - 可通过 Telegram 和 ServerChan 推送通知
' - 可保存转存日志
Const BD_BASE = "D:\BaiduNetDiskDownload" '百度网盘下载默认目录,不用加斜杠!
Const OD_BASE = "your_onedrive_label:/BaiduNetDiskMigration" '要使用Rclone上传到的目录,不用加斜杠!
Const RCLONE_PATH = "D:\rclone\" 'Rclone 所在目录
Const DEBUG_RUN = False '是否启用 -vv 运行命令(日常不建议开启,会导致日志文件和内存占用巨大)
Const DEL_SRCFILE = True ' 传输完成后删除源文件
Const LOG_ENABLED = False ' 是否启用详细日志
Const LOG_DIR = "D:\rclone\logs\" ' 日志文件夹
Const SC_ENABLED = True ' ServerChan 通知
Const SC_KEY = "" 'ServerChan推送
Const TG_ENABLED = True ' Telegram 机器人通知
Const TG_API_DOMAIN = "" ' Telegram API 域名,若网络环境受限请使用 搭建反向代理
Const TG_BOT_KEY = "" ' Telegram Bot API Key
Const TG_CHAT = "" ' 收信人的 Telegram Chat ID,可通过 @myidbot 获得
' Http Post
Function HttpPost (url, req)
Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "POST", url, False
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length", Len(req)
xmlhttp.send req
' MsgBox xmlhttp.responseText
' 出现问题请取消上方注释调试
End Function
' 递归创建文件夹
Function CreateFolderPr(fso, path)
If fso.FolderExists(path) Then
Exit Function
End If
If Not fso.FolderExists(fso.GetParentFolderName(path)) Then
CreateFolderPr fso, fso.GetParentFolderName(path)
End If
End Function
Function CreateFolder(path)
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
CreateFolderPr fso, path
Set fso = Nothing
End Function
' 日期格式化
Dim g_oSB : Set g_oSB = CreateObject("System.Text.StringBuilder")
Function sprintf(sFmt, aData)
g_oSB.AppendFormat_4 sFmt, (aData)
sprintf = g_oSB.ToString()
g_oSB.Length = 0
End Function
Dim dt : dt = now()
' 写日志头
Function WriteLogHeader(logfile, execStatusTips, filename, start_at, cmd_minutes, cmdline, pid)
Set adoStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
With adoStream
.Type = 2
.Charset = "UTF-8"
.Position = 0
.WriteText "File Name: " & filename & vbCrLf
.WriteText "Task started at: " & start_at & vbCrLf
.WriteText "Task Status: " & execStatusTips & vbCrLf
.WriteText "Time: " & cmd_minutes & " min." & vbCrLf
.WriteText "command line: " & cmdline & vbCrLf
.WriteText "PID: " & pid & vbCrLf & vbCrLf
End With
Set binStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
With binStream
.Type = 1
.Mode = 3
End With
' Skip BOM bytes
With adoStream
.Position = 3
.CopyTo binStream
End With
binStream.SaveToFile logfile, 2
Set binStream = Nothing
Set adoStream = Nothing
End function
''' Main 主程序
Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments
For Each filepath In oArgs
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f = fso.GetFile(filepath)
Set fulldir = f.ParentFolder
'MsgBox fulldir
src = Replace(filepath, "\", "/", 1, -1, 1)
'MsgBox src
targetdir = Replace(fulldir, BD_BASE, OD_BASE, 1, -1, 1)
targetdir = Replace(targetdir, "\", "/", 1, -1, 1) + "/"
'MsgBox targetdir
'CreateFolder targetdir
'f.Move targetdir
If SC_ENABLED = True Then
url = "" & SC_KEY & ".send"
req = "text=" & f.Name & "已下载&desp=文件名:" & f.Name & "%0D%0D文件大小:" & f.Size & "字节%0D%0D文件正在上传,稍后将能在OneDrive中查看"
HttpPost url, req
End If
If TG_ENABLED = True Then
url = TG_API_DOMAIN & "/bot" & TG_BOT_KEY & "/sendMessage"
req = "text=*" & f.Name & "*已下载%0A%0A文件大小:" & f.Size & "字节%0A文件正在上传,稍后将能在OneDrive中查看&chat_id=" & TG_CHAT & "&parse_mode=Markdown"
HttpPost url, req
End If
If DEBUG_RUN = True Then
rclone_cmd = RCLONE_PATH & "rclone copy """ & src & """ """ & targetdir & """" & " -vv"
rclone_cmd = RCLONE_PATH & "rclone copy """ & src & """ """ & targetdir & """"
End If
Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oExec = ws.Exec(rclone_cmd)
' 等待Rclone执行完毕,并缓存输出
While Not oExec.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
sLine = oExec.StdOut.ReadLine
If sLine <> "" Then strOutput = strOutput & sLine & vbCrLf
' 检查执行结果
Select Case oExec.Status
Case 1 ' 成功
execStatusTips = "Success!"
'strOutput = oExec.StdOut.ReadAll()
Case 2 ' 失败
execStatusTips = "Failed."
'strOutput = oExec.StdErr.ReadAll()
End Select
' 命令执行时间
Dim df : df = now()
cmd_minutes = DateDiff("n", dt, df)
If LOG_ENABLED = True Then
CreateFolder LOG_DIR
rclone_log_file = LOG_DIR & sprintf("{0:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}", Array(dt)) & "_" & f.Name & ".log"
' UTF-8 写基本信息
WriteLogHeader rclone_log_file, execStatusTips, f.Name, sprintf("{0:yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss}", Array(dt)), cmd_minutes, rclone_cmd, oExec.ProcessID
' 往下写命令输出
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set o = fso.OpenTextFile(rclone_log_file, 8)
Set fso = Nothing
' MsgBox dt
End If
' 发送通知
If SC_ENABLED = True Then
Select Case oExec.Status
Case 1 ' 成功
url = "" & SC_KEY & ".send"
req = "text=" & f.Name & "已上传到OneDrive&desp=文件名:" & f.Name & "%0D%0D文件大小:" & f.Size & "字节%0D%0D文件已成功上传到OneDrive,耗时" & cmd_minutes & "分钟。"
HttpPost url, req
Case 2 ' 失败
url = "" & SC_KEY & ".send"
req = "text=" & f.Name & "上传到OneDrive失败了……&desp=文件名:" & f.Name & "%0D%0D文件大小:" & f.Size & "字节%0D%0D文件上传失败……建议您打开日志功能查看日志排查错误。命令耗时" & cmd_minutes & "分钟。"
HttpPost url, req
End Select
End If
If TG_ENABLED = True Then
Select Case oExec.Status
Case 1 ' 成功
url = TG_API_DOMAIN & "/bot" & TG_BOT_KEY & "/sendMessage"
req = "text=*" & f.Name & "*已上传到OneDrive%0A%0A文件大小:" & f.Size & "字节%0A文件已成功上传到OneDrive,耗时" & cmd_minutes & "分钟。&chat_id=" & TG_CHAT & "&parse_mode=Markdown"
HttpPost url, req
Case 2 ' 失败
url = TG_API_DOMAIN & "/bot" & TG_BOT_KEY & "/sendMessage"
req = "text=*" & f.Name & "*上传到OneDrive失败了……%0A%0A文件大小:" & f.Size & "字节%0A文件上传失败……建议您打开日志功能查看日志排查错误。命令耗时" & cmd_minutes & "分钟。&chat_id=" & TG_CHAT & "&parse_mode=Markdown"
HttpPost url, req
End Select
End If
If DEL_SRCFILE = True Then
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.DeleteFile filepath
End If
Set fso = Nothing
Set ws = Nothing
Set oArgs = Nothing
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