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Created April 3, 2018 17:11
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Testing XML::Twig on Cygwin 64-bit
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use XML::Twig;
use Test::More tests => 16;
is( XML::Twig->new( keep_encoding => 1)->parse( q{<d a='"foo'/>})->sprint, q{<d a="&quot;foo"/>}, "quote in att with keep_encoding");
# test CDATA sections in HTML escaping
my $html = <<'EOF';
<div id="body">body</div>
if ( this.value && ( !request.term || matcher.test(text) ) && 1 > 0 && 0 < 1 )
# module => XML::Twig->new options
my %html_conv= ( 'HTML::TreeBuilder' => {},
'HTML::Tidy' => { use_tidy => 1 },
foreach my $module ( sort keys %html_conv)
{ eval "use $module";
skip "$module not available", 3 if $@ ;
my $parser= XML::Twig->new( %{$html_conv{$module}});
my $xml = $parser->safe_parse_html($html);
print $@ if $@;
my @cdata = $xml->get_xpath('//#CDATA');
ok(@cdata == 1, "1 CDATA section found (using $module)");
#diag "\n", Dumper($xml),"\n";
#diag "\n", Dumper($xml->sprint),"\n";
#diag "\n", $xml->sprint, "\n";
#diag "Index: /", index($xml->sprint, '//]]>'), '/';
############ Re-creating the string makes it work.
############ Otherwise, index() returns the 64-bit negative
############ of the correct value.
my $x = ' ' . $xml->sprint;
$x = substr($x, 1);
#diag "Length is ", length $x;
#diag "Index: /", index($x, '//]]>'), '/';
#ok(((0+index($xml->sprint, '//]]>')) >= 0), "end of cdata ok in doc (using $module)");
ok(((index $x, '//]]>') >= 0), "end of cdata ok in doc (using $module)");
diag "... but it matches RE" if ($xml->sprint =~ qr{//]]>});
my @elts = $xml->get_xpath('//script');
foreach my $el (@elts)
{ #diag $el->sprint;
################### Same deal here.
my $x = ' ' . $el->sprint;
$x = substr($x, 1);
ok(((index $x, '//]]>') >= 0), "end of cdata ok in script element (using $module)");
diag "... but it matches RE" if ($el->sprint =~ qr{//]]>});
# test & in HTML (RT #86633)
my $html_with_amp='<h1>Marco&amp;company</h1>';
my $expected_body= '<body><h1>Marco&amp;company</h1></body>';
{ eval "use HTML::Tidy";
skip "HTML::Tidy not available", 1 if $@ ;
my $parsert = XML::Twig->new();
my $html_tidy = $parsert->safe_parse_html( { use_tidy => 1 }, "<h1>Marco&amp;company</h1>");
diag $@ if $@;
is( $html_tidy->first_elt( 'body')->sprint, $expected_body, "&amp; in text, converting html with use_tidy");
{ eval "use HTML::TreeBuilder";
skip "HTML::TreeBuilder not available", 1 if $@ ;
my $parserh= XML::Twig->new();
my $html = $parserh->safe_parse_html("<h1>Marco&amp;company</h1>");
diag $@ if $@;
is( $html->first_elt( 'body')->sprint , $expected_body, "&amp; in text, converting html with treebuilder");
is( XML::Twig::_unescape_cdata( '&lt;tag att="foo&amp;bar&amp;baz"&gt;&gt;&gt;&lt;/tag&gt;'), '<tag att="foo&bar&baz">>></tag>', '_unescape_cdata');
{ skip "safe_print_to_file method does not work on Windows", 6 if $^O =~ m{win}i;
# testing safe_print_to_file
my $tmp= "safe_print_to_file.xml";
my $doc= "<doc>foo</doc>";
unlink( $tmp); # no check, it could not be there
my $t1= XML::Twig->nparse( $doc)->safe_print_to_file( $tmp);
ok( -f $tmp, "safe_print_to_file created document");
my $t2= XML::Twig->nparse( $tmp);
is( $t2->sprint, $t1->sprint, "generated document identical to original document");
unlink( $tmp);
my $e1= XML::Twig->parse( '<d><a>foo</a><b>bar</b></d>')->first_elt( 'b')->safe_print_to_file( $tmp);
ok( -f $tmp, "safe_print_to_file on elt created document");
$t2= XML::Twig->nparse( $tmp);
is( $t2->sprint, '<b>bar</b>', "generated sub-document identical to original sub-document");
unlink( $tmp);
# failure modes
eval { XML::Twig->nparse( $tmp); };
like( $@, qr/Couldn't open $tmp:/, 'parse a non-existent file');
my $non_existent="safe_non_existent_I_hope_01/tmp";
while( -f $non_existent) { $non_existent++; } # most likely unnecessary ;--)
eval { $t1->safe_print_to_file( $non_existent); };
like( $@, qr/(does not exist|is not a directory)/, 'safe_print_to_file in non-existent dir');
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cxw42 commented Apr 3, 2018

This is with XML-Twig-3.52 on cygwin x86_64, with perlbrew's perl-5.26.1. I had to edit t/test_3_45.t to get it to pass - index was returning the negative of the value (!). Looks like improper sign extension.

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