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Last active December 25, 2023 14:57
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WBI Sign Implementation
// Last updated: 2023/12/25 22:56
// Gist:
mod tests {
use super::*;
static IMG_KEY: &'static str = "7cd084941338484aae1ad9425b84077c";
static SUB_KEY: &'static str = "4932caff0ff746eab6f01bf08b70ac45";
// static IMG_KEY: &'static str = "4a1d4479a1ea4146bc7552eea71c28e9";
// static SUB_KEY: &'static str = "fa5812e23a204d10b332dc24d992432d";
fn test_wbi_sign() {
// let query_vec = vec![
// ("__refresh__", "true".into()),
// ("_extra", "".into()),
// ("context", "".into()),
// ("page", "1".into()),
// ("page_size", "42".into()),
// ("order", "".into()),
// ("duration", "".into()),
// ("from_source", "".into()),
// ("from_spmid", "333.337".into()),
// ("platform", "pc".into()),
// ("highlight", "1".into()),
// ("single_column", "0".into()),
// ("keyword", "克洛琳德".into()),
// ("qv_id", "iJNVBR35jvcl2pRehSOaRimrin1Ufn85".into()),
// ("ad_resource", "5646".into()),
// ("source_tag", "3".into()),
// ("web_location", "1430654".into()),
// // ("gaia_vtoken", "".into()),
// ];
// let query_vec = vec![
// ("foo", "114".into()),
// ("bar", "514".into()),
// ("zab", "1919810".into()),
// ];
let query_vec = vec![
("mid", "11997177".into()),
("token", "".into()),
("platform", "web".into()),
("web_location", "1550101".into()),
let w_rid = Wbi {
img_key: IMG_KEY,
sub_key: SUB_KEY,
assert_eq!(w_rid, "7d4428b3f2f9ee2811e116ec6fd41a4f");
use std::borrow::Cow;
/// WBI Sign implementation V1.0.1
/// Last updated: 23-12-05 04:09
pub struct Wbi<'q> {
img_key: &'q str,
sub_key: &'q str,
query_vec: Vec<(&'q str, Cow<'q, str>)>,
impl<'q> Wbi<'q> {
pub fn new(
img_key: &'q str,
sub_key: &'q str,
query_vec: Vec<(&'q str, Cow<'q, str>)>,
) -> Self {
Self {
/// Returns signed url query string.
pub fn sign(mut self, wts: Option<u64>) -> Result<String, BoxedError> {
let wbi_key = str_concat!(self.img_key, self.sub_key);
if wbi_key.len() != 64 {
return Err(SignErr::InvalidWbiKey.into());
let mixin_key = Self::gen_mixin_key(wbi_key);
let wts: String = wts.map_or_else(|| now!().as_secs(), |wts| wts).to_string();
let wts_param = str_concat!("wts=", &wts);
self.query_vec.push(("wts", wts.into()));
let unsigned_query = QueryBuilder::encode(self.query_vec, true);
let w_rid = calc_md5!(str_concat!(&unsigned_query, &mixin_key));
let signed_query = {
// `wts_param` will and will only appear once in unsigned_query
let (mut start, part) = unsigned_query.match_indices(&wts_param).next().unwrap();
let mut part_len = part.len();
// `start` > 0 then not the first, should also remove `&` before `wts`
if start != 0 {
start -= 1;
part_len += 1;
unsafe { unsigned_query.get_unchecked(0..start) },
unsafe { unsigned_query.get_unchecked((start + part_len)..unsigned_query.len()) },
fn gen_w_rid(mut self, wts: impl ToString) -> Result<String, BoxedError> {
let wbi_key = str_concat!(self.img_key, self.sub_key);
let mixin_key = Self::gen_mixin_key(wbi_key);
println!("mixin_key: {}", mixin_key);
let wts: String = wts.to_string();
self.query_vec.push(("wts", wts.into()));
self.query_vec.sort_unstable_by_key(|param| param.0);
let unsigned_query = QueryBuilder::encode(self.query_vec, true);
let w_rid = calc_md5!(str_concat!(&unsigned_query, &mixin_key));
/// Gen mixin key
fn gen_mixin_key(raw_wbi_key: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> String {
const MIXIN_KEY_ENC_TAB: [u8; 64] = [
46, 47, 18, 2, 53, 8, 23, 32, 15, 50, 10, 31, 58, 3, 45, 35, 27, 43, 5, 49, 33, 9, 42,
19, 29, 28, 14, 39, 12, 38, 41, 13, 37, 48, 7, 16, 24, 55, 40, 61, 26, 17, 0, 1, 60,
51, 30, 4, 22, 25, 54, 21, 56, 59, 6, 63, 57, 62, 11, 36, 20, 34, 44, 52,
let raw_wbi_key = raw_wbi_key.as_ref();
let mut mixin_key_raw = {
let binding = MIXIN_KEY_ENC_TAB
.map(|n| raw_wbi_key[*n as usize])
unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(binding) }
let _ = mixin_key_raw.split_off(32);
/// For future use.
fn swap_string(input: &str, t: u32) -> String {
if input.len() % 2 != 0 {
return input.to_owned();
if t == 0 {
return input.to_owned();
if input.len() == 2u32.pow(t) as usize {
return input.chars().rev().collect();
let mid = input.len() / 2;
let r = &input[..mid];
let n = &input[mid..];
str_concat!(&Self::swap_string(n, t - 1), &Self::swap_string(r, t - 1))
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The following are copied from my private project to make this example compiled.
// You can just ignore them.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Signer<'s> {
App {
appkey: &'s str,
appsec: Option<&'s str>,
Wbi {
img_key: &'s str,
sub_key: &'s str,
pub struct QueryBuilder<'q> {
pub query_vec: Vec<(&'q str, Cow<'q, str>)>,
pub signer: Signer<'q>,
pub need_sort: bool,
impl<'q> QueryBuilder<'q> {
pub fn build(self) -> Result<String, BoxedError> {
match self.signer {
Signer::App { appkey, appsec } => {
// sign::App::new(appkey, appsec, self.query_vec).sign(Some(now!().as_secs()))
unimplemented!("APP Sign not implmented in this example.")
Signer::Wbi { img_key, sub_key } => {
// sign::Wbi::new(img_key, sub_key, self.query_vec).sign(None)
Wbi::new(img_key, sub_key, self.query_vec).sign(None)
Signer::None => Ok(Self::encode(self.query_vec, self.need_sort)),
/// Encode query from given vec.
/// For performance:
/// - **KEY will not be url encoded**, for all query key is known and without special chars.
/// - When `need_sort`, the given vec will be sorted in place. **Do clone a new one in advance**
/// if you need the original one.
// #[inline]
// pub fn encode(mut query_vec: Vec<(&'q str, Cow<'q, str>)>, need_sort: bool) -> String {
// if need_sort {
// Self::sort(&mut query_vec);
// }
// let mut query_string = String::with_capacity(256);
// query_vec.into_iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
// query_string.push_str(k);
// query_string.push('=');
// query_string.push_str(&urlencoding::encode(v.as_ref()));
// query_string.push('&');
// });
// query_string.pop();
// query_string
// }
// #[inline]
// fn sort(query_vec: &mut Vec<(&str, Cow<'_, str>)>) {
// query_vec.sort_unstable_by_key(|param| param.0);
// }
pub fn encode(query_vec: Vec<(&'q str, Cow<'q, str>)>, need_sort: bool) -> String {
// ! Space will be encoded as `+` instead of `%20` in crate `serde_urlencoded`.
serde_urlencoded::to_string(query_vec).unwrap().replace("+", "%20")
// Error handler
pub type BoxedError = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum SignErr {
#[error("Invalid given wbi key, length not 64")]
#[error("Unknown appkey {0}, corresponding appsec not found")]
// Some macros with specific function, can be replaced with your own one
macro_rules! str_concat {
($($x:expr),*) => {
let mut string_final = String::with_capacity(512);
macro_rules! calc_md5 {
($input_str: expr) => {{
// let mut md5_instance = crypto::md5::Md5::new();
// crypto::digest::Digest::input_str(&mut md5_instance, &($input_str));
// crypto::digest::Digest::result_str(&mut md5_instance)
use md5::{Digest, Md5};
let mut hasher = Md5::new();
let result = hasher.finalize();
format!("{:0>2x}", result)
/// Faster way to get current timestamp other than `chrono::Local::now().timestamp()`,
/// 12x faster on my machine.
/// See [`Duration`]( for more details.
macro_rules! now {
() => {{
match std::time::SystemTime::now().duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(_) => panic!("SystemTime before UNIX EPOCH!"),
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