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; Mac keyboard to Windows Key Mappings

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; --------------------------------------------------------------
; ! = ALT
; ^ = CTRL
; + = SHIFT
; # = WIN
; Debug action snippet: MsgBox You pressed Control-A while Notepad is active.

#SingleInstance force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SendMode Input

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; media/function keys all mapped to the right option key
; --------------------------------------------------------------


RAlt & F7::SendInput {Media_Prev}
RAlt & F8::SendInput {Media_Play_Pause}
RAlt & F9::SendInput {Media_Next}
F10::SendInput {Volume_Mute}
F11::SendInput {Volume_Down}
F12::SendInput {Volume_Up}

; swap left command/windows key with left alt
;LAlt::LWin ; add a semicolon in front of this line if you want to disable the windows key

; Eject Key
;F20::SendInput {Insert} ; F20 doesn't show up on AHK anymore, see #3

; F13-15, standard windows mapping
F13::SendInput {PrintScreen}
F14::SendInput {ScrollLock}
F15::SendInput {Pause}

;F16-19 custom app launchers, see for usage info

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; OS X system shortcuts
; --------------------------------------------------------------

; Make Ctrl + S work with cmd (windows) key
;SharpKeys; #s::^s

; Selecting
;SharpKeys; #a::^a

; Copying
;SharpKeys; #c::^c

; Pasting
;SharpKeys; #v::^v

; Cutting
;SharpKeys; #x::^x

; Opening
;SharpKeys; #o::^o

; Finding
;SharpKeys; #f::Send ^f
^!f::Send ^h

; Windows Keys
^e::Send #e
^d::Send #d
^Space::Send #s

; Undo
;SharpKeys; #z::^z

; Redo
;SharpKeys; #y::^y

; New tab
;SharpKeys; #t::^t

; close tab
;SharpKeys; #w::^w

; Close windows (cmd + q to Alt + F4)
;SharpKeys; #q::Send !{F4}
^q::Send !{F4}

; Remap Windows + Tab to Alt + Tab.		
;SharpKeys; Lwin & Tab::AltTab
LCtrl & Tab::AltTab

; minimize windows
;SharpKeys; #m::WinMinimize,a

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; OS X keyboard mappings for special chars
; --------------------------------------------------------------

; Map Alt + L to @
!l::SendInput {@}

; Map Alt + N to \
+!7::SendInput {\}

; Map Alt + N to ©
!g::SendInput {©}

; Map Alt + o to ø
!o::SendInput {ø}

; Map Alt + 5 to [
!5::SendInput {[}

; Map Alt + 6 to ]
!6::SendInput {]}

; Map Alt + E to €
!e::SendInput {€}

; Map Alt + - to –
!-::SendInput {–}

; Map Alt + 8 to {
!8::SendInput {{}

; Map Alt + 9 to }
!9::SendInput {}}

; Map Alt + - to ±
!+::SendInput {±}

; Map Alt + R to ®
!r::SendInput {®}

; Map Alt + N to |
!7::SendInput {|}

; Map Alt + W to ∑
!w::SendInput {∑}

; Map Alt + N to ~
!n::SendInput {~}

; Map Alt + 3 to #
!3::SendInput {#}

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Custom mappings for special chars
; --------------------------------------------------------------

;#ö::SendInput {[} 
;#ä::SendInput {]} 

;^ö::SendInput {{} 
;^ä::SendInput {}} 

; --------------------------------------------------------------
; Application specific
; --------------------------------------------------------------

; Google Chrome
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_1

; Show Web Developer Tools with cmd + alt + i
#!i::Send {F12}

; Show source code with cmd + alt + u
#!u::Send ^u



Special: Left Windows (E0_5B)  --> Special: Left Ctrl (00_1D)
Special: Right Ctrl (E0_1D)    --> Special: Left Windows (E0_5B)
Special: Right Windows (E0_5C) --> Special: Left Ctrl (00_1D)
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oooooooohhhh boy you saved my life

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