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Created April 14, 2024 11:34
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This program implements the backtracking algorithm to solve the Knight's Tour problem on a chessboard.
use std::env;
use std::process::Command;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::{thread, vec};
fn print_board(size_x: i32, _size_y: i32, board: &Vec<Vec<i32>>) {
println!("Knight's Tour Problem");
println!("Chess Board:");
print!(" ");
for _ in 0..size_x {
print!("___ ");
for i in 0..board.len() {
for j in 0..board[i].len() {
print!("| {} ", if (board[i][j]) == -1 { " " } else { "X" });
print!(" ");
for _ in 0..size_x {
print!("--- ");
println!("Knight's Tour Path:");
print!(" ");
for j in 0..size_x {
if board[0][j as usize] < 10 {
"___ "
} else {
"____ "
for i in 0..board.len() {
for j in 0..board[i].len() {
"| {} ",
if (board[i][j]) == -1 {
" ".to_string()
} else {
print!(" ");
for j in 0..size_x {
if board[i][j as usize] < 10 {
"--- "
} else {
"---- "
fn is_valid_move(_size_x: i32, _size_y: i32, board: &Vec<Vec<i32>>, x: i32, y: i32) -> bool {
return x >= 0
&& x < board.len() as i32
&& y >= 0
&& y < board[0].len() as i32
&& board[x as usize][y as usize] == -1;
fn solve_knight_tour(
mut _solution_board: &mut Vec<Vec<i32>>,
mut _x_move: [i32; 8],
mut _y_move: [i32; 8],
mut _move_count: i32,
mut _x: i32,
mut _y: i32,
size_x: usize,
size_y: usize,
) -> bool {
let mut next_x: i32;
let mut next_y: i32;
if _move_count == size_x as i32 * size_y as i32 {
return true;
for i in 0..8 {
next_x = _x + _x_move[i];
next_y = _y + _y_move[i];
if next_x >= 0 && next_x < size_x as i32 && next_y >= 0 && next_y < size_y as i32 {
if is_valid_move(
size_x as i32,
size_y as i32,
) {
_solution_board[next_x as usize][next_y as usize] = _move_count;
let _ = Command::new("clear").status();
print_board(size_x as i32, size_y as i32, &_solution_board);
if solve_knight_tour(
_move_count + 1,
) {
return true;
} else {
_solution_board[next_x as usize][next_y as usize] = -1;
return false;
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 3 {
println!("Please provide size_x and size_y as command line arguments.");
let size_x: usize = args[1].parse().unwrap_or(5);
let size_y: usize = args[2].parse().unwrap_or(6);
let mut solution_board = vec![vec![-1; size_x]; size_y];
let possible_x_moves: [i32; 8] = [2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1, 1, 2];
let possible_y_moves: [i32; 8] = [1, 2, 2, 1, -1, -2, -2, -1];
solution_board[0][0] = 0;
if solve_knight_tour(
&mut solution_board,
) == false
let _ = Command::new("clear").status();
println!("Solution does not exist for the given board dimensions.");
} else {
let _ = Command::new("clear").status();
print_board(size_x as i32, size_y as i32, &solution_board);
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cyai commented Apr 14, 2024

Knight's Tour in Rust

This program implements the backtracking algorithm to solve the Knight's Tour problem on a chessboard.

How to Run

  • If you have Rust Installed:
    • Open terminal and navigate to the directory where the code is located.
    • Run cargo build to compile the code.
    • Run cargo run -- <board_size> to run the program, replacing <board_size> with the desired size of the chessboard. Example: cargo run -- 5 8

The Knight's Tour Problem

The Knight's Tour problem is like a brainteaser for chess lovers. Imagine a knight on a chessboard, and you want it to visit every square exactly once, but only using its unique "L" shaped move. This program helps you find a solution, so you don't have to spend hours puzzling over it yourself.

Backtracking Algorithm

This program uses backtracking, a kind of like a maze solving strategy. It explores different paths (knight moves) and backtracks when a dead end is reached.

Here's a breakdown of the algorithm:

  1. Initialize the board: A chessboard is represented as a grid where each square is empty or has a number showing the knight's visit order.
  2. Define knight's moves: An array stores the possible ways a knight can move from any square.
  3. Recursive function: The solve_knight_tour function attempts to solve the puzzle. It takes the board, knight move options, current move count, and knight's position as arguments.
    • Base Case: If the knight has visited every square, a solution is found! The function returns true.
    • Iterate through possible moves: It tries each of the eight possible knight moves.
      • Validate move: It checks if the move is within board boundaries and lands on an unvisited square.
      • Place move: If valid, the move number is placed on the board, and the function calls itself recursively with the updated board and knight's new position.
      • Backtrack: If the recursive call doesn't find a solution from that move, the move number is removed from the board (backtracking).
  4. Main function:
    • Sets the board size.
    • Defines the knight's possible x and y moves.
    • Places the knight on the starting square (usually (0, 0)) with move number 0.
    • Calls the solve_knight_tour function.
    • If the function returns false, no solution exists, and a message is displayed.
    • Otherwise, the final board configuration, showing the knight's path, is printed.

This was just a weekend project to spend time on [you know how programmers are ;) ]. I hope you find it interesting :)

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