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Forked from charity/
Created May 17, 2016 20:50
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# snippet from terraform/env-dev/
# import staging state, add routes from dev to staging
resource "terraform_remote_state" "staging_state" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = "${var.tf_s3_bucket}"
region = "${var.region}"
key = "${var.staging_state_file}"
resource "aws_vpc_peering_connection" "its_probably_fine" {
peer_owner_id = "${var.acct_number}"
peer_vpc_id = "${terraform_remote_state.staging_state.output.staging_vpc_id}"
vpc_id = "${module.dev_vpc.vpc_id}"
auto_accept = "true"
tags {
Authored-by = "Ben Hartshorne"
Idea = "bad"
But = "ohwell"
XXX = "what's the worst that can happen?"
Environment = "development"
Name = "dev_to_staging_peering"
# route to public subnets
resource "aws_route" "dev_to_staging_route" {
route_table_id = "${module.dev_vpc.public_route_table_id}"
destination_cidr_block = "${terraform_remote_state.staging_state.output.staging_cidr_block}"
vpc_peering_connection_id = "${}"
# route *from* dev private subnets to staging
resource "aws_route" "dev_to_staging_int_route" {
count = "${length(split(",", var.private_ranges))}"
route_table_id = "${element(split(",", module.dev_vpc.private_route_table_id), count.index)}"
destination_cidr_block = "${terraform_remote_state.staging_state.output.staging_cidr_block}"
vpc_peering_connection_id = "${}"
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