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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Sample RequireJS setup with some light failover for CSS.
/*global requirejs, define, require, CI, $, jQuery */
/*jslint devel: true, browser: true */
* Require Config
* This is all the core scripts needed to be available at runtime.
* Includes CDN and local file fail over.
* Shim will control the availability of dependent libraries/scripts.
* domReady included to insure it all kicks off right.
* @usage <script data-main="js/config" src="js/vendor/requirejs/require.min.js"></script>
urlArgs: "ts=" + new Date().getTime(), // disable caching - remove in production
paths: {
// Rack up CDN and local fail over files - '.js' not needed.
domReady: [
modernizr: [
prefixfree: [
jquery: [
bootstrap: [
tweenmax: [
kineticplugin: [
throwpropsplugin: [ // licensed plugin
draggable: [
jquerygsap: [
// Local
trace: [
site: [
email: [
// End
shim: {
// defined dependencies on scripts
'domReady' : ['site'],
'bootstrap' : ['jquery'],
'trace' : ['jquery'],
'tweenmax' : ['jquery'],
'kineticplugin' : ['tweenmax'],
'throwpropsplugin' : ['tweenmax'],
'draggable' : ['tweenmax'],
'jquerygsap' : ['tweenmax'],
'site' : ['bootstrap'],
'email' : ['site']
* Tip:
* 'define' appears to be a module/JS you depend on
* 'require' just loads most likely async and you can't rely on domReady then.
* Other examples online show domReady, and $ being passed in as arguments. I was unsuccessful getting that to work
* but '$' appears to be accessible when 'define' used.
'email'], function (domReady) {
"use strict";
// Ready, Set, Go...
domReady(function () {
// Verify CSS - not a huge fan of this.
var ss = document.styleSheets,
len = ss.length,
i = 0,
while (i < len) {
sheet = ss[i];
rules = sheet.rules ? sheet.rules : sheet.cssRules;
isError = rules.length === 0;
if (sheet.href !== null) {
// Bootstrap
if (sheet.href.toString().indexOf('twitter-bootstrap') > 0 && isError) {
$('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/bootstrap/3.3.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" />').appendTo('head');
// Font Awesome
if (sheet.href.toString().indexOf('font-awesome') > 0 && isError) {
$('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" />').appendTo('head');
i += 1;
// Fire up App
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