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Created November 25, 2018 03:35
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matcher for typestyle's style
import ToHaveTypeStyleMatcher from "./ToHaveTypeStyleMatcher";
describe("ToHaveTypeStyleMatcher", () => {
it("compare returns an object containing message and pass key", () => {
const prop = jest.fn(() => "TS-0000");
const typestyleErrorMessageSnip = "TypeStyle does not match with actual, instead found";
expect(typeof (ToHaveTypeStyleMatcher as any).toHaveTypeStyle().compare({prop}) === "object").toBeTruthy();
const compare = (ToHaveTypeStyleMatcher as any).toHaveTypeStyle().compare({prop});
import * as Enzyme from "enzyme";
import "jest-enzyme";
import {NestedCSSProperties} from "typestyle/lib/types";
import {hash, isSubset} from "./Utils";
const map = {};
const mock = jest.fn((...args) => {
args = args.length === 1 ? args[0] : args;
const rand = Math.abs(hash(JSON.stringify(args)));
map[rand] = args;
return `TS-${rand}`;
const mockExtends = (...objects: (NestedCSSProperties | undefined | null)[]) => {
let result: NestedCSSProperties = {};
for (const object of objects) {
result = {...result, ...object};
return result;
jest.mock("typestyle", () => ({
classes: (...classNames) => classNames.join(" ").trim(),
extend: mockExtends,
media: () => 0,
style: mock
declare global {
namespace jest {
// tslint:disable-next-line:interface-name
interface Matchers<R> {
toHaveTypeStyle: (style: NestedCSSProperties) => void;
const ToHaveTypeStyleMatcher: jasmine.CustomMatcherFactories = {
toHaveTypeStyle: () => {
return {
compare: (component: Enzyme.ReactWrapper<null, null>, expected: NestedCSSProperties) => {
const classList: string[] = component.prop<string>("className").match(/TS-[0-9]+/g);
let matched: boolean = false;
const allClassNames = [];
for (const className of classList) {
const properties = map[className.split("-")[1]];
if (properties instanceof Array) {
properties.forEach((property) => {
if (isSubset(property, expected)) {
matched = true;
} else if (isSubset(properties, expected)) {
matched = true;
return {
message: () => {
return `TypeStyle does not match with actual, instead found \n` +
`${JSON.stringify(allClassNames, null, 2)}, \n` +
`expected \n` +
JSON.stringify(expected, null, 2);
pass: matched
export default ToHaveTypeStyleMatcher;
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