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Created November 28, 2014 10:04
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace RegexOptims
public static class RegexComparer
private const string REGEX_PATTERN = @"^[\w\d]+$";
private const string REGEX_PATTERN_OPT = @"^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$";
private const string REGEX_PATTERN_INV = @"^[^a-zA-Z0-9]+$";
private const string REGEX_INPUT_TRUE = "azertyuiop7894561230qsdfghjklm7894561230wxcvbn7894561230";
private const string REGEX_INPUT_FALSE = "az-io|p7894561230qsdfgh`jklm78945*61230wxcvbn789^4561230";
public static bool StaticRegexMatch(bool truereg = true)
var match = Regex.Match(truereg ? REGEX_INPUT_TRUE : REGEX_INPUT_FALSE, REGEX_PATTERN);
return match.Success;
public static bool StaticCompiledRegexMatch(bool truereg = true)
var match = Regex.Match(truereg ? REGEX_INPUT_TRUE : REGEX_INPUT_FALSE, REGEX_PATTERN, RegexOptions.Compiled);
return match.Success;
private static Regex CompiledStaticRegexInstance = new Regex(REGEX_PATTERN, RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static bool CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatch(bool truereg = true)
var match = CompiledStaticRegexInstance.Match(truereg ? REGEX_INPUT_TRUE : REGEX_INPUT_FALSE);
return match.Success;
private static Regex CompiledStaticRegexInstanceOpt = new Regex(REGEX_PATTERN_OPT, RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static bool CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatchOpt(bool truereg = true)
var match = CompiledStaticRegexInstanceOpt.Match(truereg ? REGEX_INPUT_TRUE : REGEX_INPUT_FALSE);
return match.Success;
private static Regex CompiledStaticRegexInstanceInv = new Regex(REGEX_PATTERN_INV, RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static bool CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatchInv(bool truereg = true)
var match = CompiledStaticRegexInstanceInv.Match(truereg ? REGEX_INPUT_TRUE : REGEX_INPUT_FALSE);
return !match.Success;
public static bool LinqMatch(bool truereg = true)
return (truereg ? REGEX_INPUT_TRUE : REGEX_INPUT_FALSE).All(c => char.IsLetterOrDigit(c));
public static bool WhileMatch(bool truereg = true)
var target = truereg ? REGEX_INPUT_TRUE : REGEX_INPUT_FALSE;
for (var i = 0; i < target.Length; i++)
if (!char.IsLetterOrDigit(target[i]))
return false;
return true;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Regex test");
const int its = 100000;
bool truereg = true;
//from techblog
Profile("StaticRegexMatch", its, () => { return RegexComparer.StaticRegexMatch(truereg); });
Profile("StaticCompiledRegexMatch", its, () => { return RegexComparer.StaticCompiledRegexMatch(truereg); });
Profile("CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatch", its, () => { return RegexComparer.CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatch(truereg); });
Profile("LinqMatch", its, () => { return RegexComparer.LinqMatch(truereg); });
// ideas
Profile("CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatchOpt", its, () => { return RegexComparer.CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatchOpt(truereg); });
Profile("CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatchInv", its, () => { return RegexComparer.CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatchInv(truereg); });
Profile("Match", its, () => { return RegexComparer.WhileMatch(truereg); });
static void Profile(string description, int iterations, Func<bool> func)
// clean up
// warm up
var res = func();
var watch = new Stopwatch();
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Profile via an Action - " + description + " res =>" + res);
Console.WriteLine("{0:0.00} ms ({1:N0} ticks) (over {2:N0} iterations), {3:N0} ops/millisecond\n",
watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, watch.ElapsedTicks, iterations, (double)iterations / watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
// restuls
// Regex test
// Profile via an Action - StaticRegexMatch res =>True
// 396,00 ms (965989 ticks) (over 100000 iterations), 253 ops/millisecond
// Profile via an Action - StaticCompiledRegexMatch res =>True
// 337,00 ms (822012 ticks) (over 100000 iterations), 297 ops/millisecond
// Profile via an Action - CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatch res =>True
// 307,00 ms (747888 ticks) (over 100000 iterations), 326 ops/millisecond
// Profile via an Action - LinqMatch res =>True
// 84,00 ms (205805 ticks) (over 100000 iterations), 1190 ops/millisecond
// Profile via an Action - CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatchOpt res =>True
// 149,00 ms (364012 ticks) (over 100000 iterations), 671 ops/millisecond
// Profile via an Action - CompiledRegexStaticInstanceMatchInv res =>True
// 14,00 ms (36236 ticks) (over 100000 iterations), 7143 ops/millisecond
// Profile via an Action - Match res =>True
// 27,00 ms (66854 ticks) (over 100000 iterations), 3704 ops/millisecond
// END
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