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Created November 18, 2023 19:00
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Find Duplicates in Plex for PowerShell
# Plex duplicate finder for PowerShell written by Sean W.
# Copyright (c) 2023 Sean W. <> All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Function to test connectivity to the Plex server
Function Test-PlexConnectivity {
try {
# Attempt to retrieve the main Plex page
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $server -Headers $headers -ErrorAction Stop
return $true
catch {
Write-Host "β›” Fatal Error: Failed to connect to Plex Server: $_"
return $false
# Function to extract the Plex token from the network file
Function Get-PlexTokenFromNetworkFile {
if (Test-Path -Path $networkFilePath) {
$fileContent = Get-Content -Path $networkFilePath
$tokenLine = $fileContent | Where-Object { $_ -match '^PLEX_OLD_TOKEN="(.*)"$' }
if ($null -ne $tokenLine) {
Write-Host "πŸ”‘ Got Plex token from the network."
else {
Write-Host "βŒπŸ”‘ Failed parsing Plex token from the network. Using fallback token."
else {
Write-Host "βŒπŸ”‘ Network path not found or inaccessible. Using fallback token."
# Function to get the sections from Plex server
Function Get-PlexSections {
# Get all library sections
$sections = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$server/library/sections" -Headers $headers
return $sections.MediaContainer.Directory
# Function to get items with more than one file in a section
Function Get-MultiFileItems {
# Get all items in the section
$items = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$server/library/sections/$key/all" -Headers $headers
$itemCount = $items.MediaContainer.Video.Count
$librarySectionTitle = $items.MediaContainer.librarySectionTitle;
Write-Host "Found $itemCount items in $librarySectionTitle section."
$multiFileItems = @()
# Filter items with more than one media part
foreach ($item in $items.MediaContainer.Video) {
if ($item.Media.Part.Count -gt 1) {
$multiFileItems += $item
return $multiFileItems
Write-Host "πŸš€ Starting Plex Duplicate Finder"
# Network file path
$networkFilePath = "\\REDACTED\torrent\config\qBittorrent\"
# Fallback Plex token
# Get Plex token from network file or use fallback
$plexToken = Get-PlexTokenFromNetworkFile -networkFilePath $networkFilePath -fallbackToken $plexToken
# Your Plex server's address, with port if necessary
$plexServer = 'http://localhost:32400'
# Define the headers with your Plex token
$headers = @{
"X-Plex-Token" = $plexToken
# Test connectivity to the Plex server
if (-not (Test-PlexConnectivity -server $plexServer -headers $headers)) {
Write-Host "β›” Fatal Error: Exiting script due to failed connectivity test."
Write-Host "☁️ Connection successful, fetching sections..."
# Get sections
$sections = Get-PlexSections -server $plexServer -headers $headers
# Display the number of sections found
$sectionCount = $sections.Count
Write-Host "πŸ“– Found $sectionCount sections."
# Check each section for multi-file items
foreach ($section in $sections) {
# Cast the element to [xml] to access the 'key' attribute
$key = $section.GetAttribute("key")
$multiFileItems = Get-MultiFileItems -server $plexServer -key $key -headers $headers
foreach ($item in $multiFileItems) {
Write-Host "πŸ“• Title: $($item.title), Files: $($item.Media.Part.Count)"
# At the end of the script, ensure there's output even if no duplicates are found
if ($sections -eq 0) {
Write-Host "β„Ή No duplicates found."
Write-Host "βœ… Finished"
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