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Created October 17, 2012 09:35
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Anatomy of a Test Case
<cfcomponent extends="mxunit.framework.TestCase">
<!--- this will run before every single test in this test case --->
<cffunction name="setUp" returntype="void" access="public" hint="put things here that you want to run before each test">
<cfset obj = createObject("component","ObjectUnderTest")>
<!--- this will run after every single test in this test case --->
<cffunction name="tearDown" returntype="void" access="public" hint="put things here that you want to run after each test">
<!--- this will run once after initialization and before setUp() --->
<cffunction name="beforeTests" returntype="void" access="public" hint="put things here that you want to run before all tests">
<cfset obj = createObject("component","ObjectUnderTest")>
<!--- this will run once after all tests have been run --->
<cffunction name="afterTests" returntype="void" access="public" hint="put things here that you want to run after all tests">
<!--- your test. Name it whatever you like... make it descriptive. --->
<cffunction name="xxx_should_xxxx_When_xxx" returntype="void" access="public">
<!--- exercise your component under test --->
<cfset var result = obj.doSomething()>
<!--- if you want to "see" your data -- including complex variables, you can pass them to debug() and they will be available to you either in the HTML output or in the Eclipse plugin via rightclick- "Open TestCase results in browser" --->
<cfset debug(result)>
<!--- make some assertion based on the result of exercising the component --->
<cfset assertEquals("SomeExpectedValue",result,"result should've been 'SomeExpectedValue' but was #result#")>
<cffunction name="xxx_should_yyy_when_zzz" returntype="void">
<cfset var XX = "">
<cfset fail("xxx_should_yyy_when_zzz not yet implemented")>
<!--- this won't get run b/c it's private --->
<cffunction name="somePrivateFunction" access="private">
<cfset marc.getBankAccount().add("5 meeeeelion dollars")>
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