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cyborganizer1 / flame_custom.css
Last active August 10, 2022 06:21
/* Hide Application URLs */
.AppCard_AppCardDetails__tbAhY {
height: 50%;
.AppCard_AppCardDetails__tbAhY span {
display: none !important;
cyborganizer1 /
Last active July 12, 2023 19:04
Fedora 36 - Custom Install
#!/bin/env bash
# To run do:
# | bash
# OR
# curl -L | bash
# Convert Windows-style line endings to Unix-style (and vice versa)
#sed -i 's/\r$//' ./
# Generated by Powerlevel10k configuration wizard on 2022-07-22 at 19:30 AEST.
# Based on romkatv/powerlevel10k/config/p10k-lean.zsh, checksum 28996.
# Wizard options: nerdfont-complete + powerline, large icons, unicode, lean, 1 line,
# sparse, many icons, fluent, transient_prompt, instant_prompt=verbose.
# Type `p10k configure` to generate another config.
# Config for Powerlevel10k with lean prompt style. Type `p10k configure` to generate
# your own config based on it.
# Tip: Looking for a nice color? Here's a one-liner to print colormap.
# alias examples
# git dotfile
alias config='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/dotfiles/ --work-tree=$HOME'
# terraform aliases
alias tf='terraform'
alias tfv='terraform validate'
alias tfi='terraform init'
# Enable Powerlevel10k instant prompt. Should stay close to the top of ~/.zshrc.
# Initialization code that may require console input (password prompts, [y/n]
# confirmations, etc.) must go above this block; everything else may go below.
if [[ -r "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh" ]]; then
source "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}/p10k-instant-prompt-${(%):-%n}.zsh"
# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH.
# export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH