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Created December 14, 2022 02:36
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import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
// The type of the size object that will be passed to the callback
type Size = {
height: number;
width: number;
// The type of the callback that will be passed to the hook
type ResizeCallback = (size: Size) => void;
// The type of the ref that will be passed to the hook
type Ref = React.MutableRefObject<Element | null>;
const useResize = (ref: Ref, callback: ResizeCallback) => {
// Create a new ResizeObserver
const observer = useRef(new ResizeObserver((entries) => {
// Get the first and only entry in the ResizeObserver's list of entries
const entry = entries[0];
// Extract the height and width from the entry and pass them to the callback
const { height, width } = entry.contentRect;
callback({ height, width });
useEffect(() => {
// Get the current value of the ref and cast it to an Element
const element = ref.current as Element;
// If the ref is not null, observe the element using the ResizeObserver
if (element) {
// Return a cleanup function that will unobserve the element when the hook is
// unmounted
return () => observer.current.unobserve(element);
}, [ref]);
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