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Last active October 21, 2016 15:27
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| Channel Commands [Cydh] |
*channel_create "<chname>","<alias>"{,"<password>"{<option>{,<delay>{,<color>{,<char_id>}}}}};
Creates public channel with <chname> as the channel name. To protect the
channel, use <password> or write "null" to create it without password.
Channel name must be started with '#' and cannot be same with map or ally
channel names.
<alias> will be used to change the channel name when the channel message
is displayed.
<option> values are:
CHAN_OPT_ANNOUNCE_SELF - Show info for player itself if player is joined/left the channel
CHAN_OPT_ANNOUNCE_JOIN - Display message when player is joining the channel
CHAN_OPT_ANNOUNCE_LEAVE - Display message when player is leaving the channel
CHAN_OPT_MSG_DELAY - Enable chat delay for the channel
CHAN_OPT_COLOR_OVERRIDE - Player's fontcolor will override channel's color
CHAN_OPT_CAN_CHAT - Player can chat in the channel
CHAN_OPT_CAN_LEAVE - Player can leave from the channel
CHAN_OPT_AUTOJOIN - Logged player will auto join the channel
The <delay> is chat delay in milisecond for a single player can chat again
in the same channel.
Use <color> hex code to set color for this channel, if not defined, default
channel color will be used.
If <char_id> is defined, the channel will be private channel and the player
will be the the channel owner.
Returns 1 on success.
* This example will shows the message on this channel as
* [rAthena] Admin : Hello world!
* instead of
* #rathena Admin : Hello world!
*channel_setopt "<chname>",<option>,<value>;
Set option for the channel. Use 1 in <value> to set it, or 0 to unset.
The <option> values are same with 'channel_create'.
For CHAN_OPT_MSG_DELAY must followed with delay in milisecond or use 0
to remove the delay at <value>.
Returns 1 on success.
// Example to set delay
Only for public and private channel.
*channel_setcolor "<chname>",<color>;
To change channel color.
<color> is using hex RGB value.
Returns 1 on success.
*channel_setpass "<chname>","<password>";
To set, unset, or change password of a channel.
Use "null" to remove the password.
Returns 1 on success.
Only for public and private channel.
*channel_setgroup "<chname>",<group_id>{,...,<group_id>};
*channel_setgroup2 "<chname>",<array_of_groups>;
Set group restriction for a channel. Only player with matched <group_id>
that allowed to to join the channel.
By using 0 in the first group channel, the group restriction will be
removed from the channel config.
'channel_setgroup2' receives input for group list as an array.
Returns 0 on failure, and 1 (or n groups count) on success.
// Example 1: Remove groups
// Example 2: Multiple values
// Example 3: Using array
setarray .@staffs[0],2,3,4,10,99;
Only for public and private channel.
*channel_chat "<chname>","<message>"{,<color>};
Sends message to the channel.
Returns 1 on success.
// Example if channel doesn't have alias
channel_chat(#rathena,"Hello World!"); // #rathena Hello World!
// Example if channel has alias
channel_chat(#rathena,"Hello World!"); // [rAthena] Hello World!
*channel_ban "<chname>",<char_id>;
Ban player from channel public or private channel.
Channel's owner and group with PC_PERM_CHANNEL_ADMIN cannot be banned.
Returns 1 on success.
*channel_unban "<chname>",<char_id>;
Unban player from channel public or private channel.
Returns 1 on success.
*channel_kick "<chname>",<char_id>;
*channel_kick "<chname>","<char_name>";
Kick player from channel public or private channel.
Channel's owner and group with PC_PERM_CHANNEL_ADMIN cannot be kicked.
Returns 1 on success.
*channel_delete "<chname>";
Delete existing public or private channel. Cannot delete ally or local map
Returns 0 on success.
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