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Last active November 7, 2021 13:10
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Save cyli/4644918 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Gross hack to add presenter notes to the HTML export of a keynote presentation.
Export your keynote file to HTML. Pass the keynote file (to extract the
presentation notes) and the extracted HTML directory to this script, and it
will attempt to inject the presenter notes it extracted from the Keynote file
into the HTML.
Only tested on Keynote '09, Chrome 24.0.1312.56
import os
import random
import string
import subprocess
import sys
from lxml import etree, html
def extract_notes(keynote_file):
# keynote file is a giant compressed xml file - uncompress it
tempdir = '/tmp/keynote_thing.{0}.xml'.format(
"".join(random.sample(string.ascii_letters, 10)))
subprocess.check_call(['unzip', keynote_file, '-d', tempdir])
xml = etree.parse(tempdir + '/index.apxl')
root = xml.getroot()
# get all the presenter note xml elements
notes = root.xpath('.//key:notes//sf:text-body', namespaces=root.nsmap)
# replace all the funky keynote tags with html tags - I am stupid and don't
# know xslt, so do this the slow way
sf_namespace = '{{{0}}}'.format(root.nsmap['sf'])
def replace_node(node):
if node.tag.startswith(sf_namespace):
node.tag = node.tag.replace(sf_namespace, '')
if node.tag == 'link':
node.tag = 'a'
if node.tag == 'text-body':
node.tag = 'div'
for child in node.getchildren():
for idx, note in enumerate(notes):
note.attrib['id'] = 'slidePresenterNotes{0}'.format(idx)
note.attrib['class'] = 'presenterNotes'
return notes
def inject_js(html_file, presenter_notes):
doc = html.parse(html_file)
head = doc.xpath("//head")[0]
body = doc.xpath("//body")[0]
style = etree.Element("style")
style.text = """
#presenterNotes {
margin: auto 0; width: 15%; background-color: #CCCCCC;
padding: 0 5px; color: black; border: 1px solid black;"
#presenterNotesSlideNumber {
font-weight: bold;
notes = etree.Element("div", **{"id": "presenterNotes"})
notes.append(etree.Element("div", **{"id": "presenterNotesSlideNumber"}))
handler = etree.Element("script")
handler.text = """
function injectPresenterNotes () {
injection_self = this;
injection_self.presenterNotes = document.getElementById(
injection_self.lastSlideNumber = -1;
function updatePresenterNotes () {
if (currentEventTimeline != injection_self.lastSlideNumber) {
// hide other slide notes
// display the notes for the slide that is visible
$('slidePresenterNotes' + currentEventTimeline).show();
// update the slide number label
"Presenter notes for Slide " + (currentEventTimeline + 1));
injection_self.lastSlideNumber = currentEventTimeline;
// update every 100 ms because it could take this number a little while
// to change
setInterval(updatePresenterNotes, 100);
body.insert(0, notes)
body.attrib['onload'] = "; ".join(
[x for x in (body.attrib.get('onload', '').rstrip(';'),
"injectPresenterNotes();") if x])
doc.write(html_file, method="html")
def modify_all_html(html_dir, presenter_notes):
find_output = subprocess.check_output(
['find', html_dir, '-name', '*.html'])
all_html = [name for name in find_output.split('\n') if name]
for html_file in all_html:
inject_js(html_file, presenter_notes)
presenter_notes = extract_notes(sys.argv[1])
modify_all_html(sys.argv[2], presenter_notes)
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