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Last active February 23, 2017 04:13
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import sys
import subprocess
import tempfile
import click
import numpy
from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
def shorten(label):
m = 20
if len(label) > m:
label = label[:m//2] + '..' + label[-m//2:]
return label
def gnuplot_template(dim):
if dim == 2:
plot_line = 'plot \"{}\" using 1:2:3 with labels notitle boxed center'
plot_line = 'splot \"{}\" using 1:2:3:4 with labels notitle boxed center'
return """
set terminal qt
set grid
set datafile separator "\t"
set style textbox opaque
pause mouse close
def load(d1, d2):
labels = []
X = []
d1 = '\t'
d2 = ' '
for line in sys.stdin:
fs = line.strip().split(d1)
label = shorten(fs[0])
rest = d1.join(fs[1:])
vect = [float(x) for x in rest.split(d2)]
X = numpy.array(X).astype(numpy.float32)
return labels, X
def tsne(X, dim=2):
X = TSNE(n_components=dim).fit_transform(X)
return X
@click.option('-d', default='\t', help='deliminator between the label and its vector')
@click.option('-c', default=' ', help='deliminator for the vector')
@click.option('--dim', default=2, type=click.IntRange(2, 3))
@click.option('--output', '-o', help='When no --output is specified, run gnuplot/Qt directly')
def main(d, c, dim, output):
labels, X = load(d, c)
X = tsne(X, dim)
if output is None:
dat = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w')
dat = open(output, 'w')
for i in range(len(X)):
vec = '\t'.join(str(x) for x in X[i].tolist())
dat.write("{}\t\"{}\"\n".format(vec, labels[i]))
if output is None:
gp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w')
result =['gnuplot',, '-p'])
if result != 0:
click.secho('gnuplot returns not 0', fg='red', err=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
echo "generating toy data..."
ruby -e '
100.times { |i|
vec = (1..10).map { rand }
puts "A#{i}\t#{vec.join " "}"
100.times { |i|
vec = (1..10).map { rand + rand + rand }
puts "B#{i}\t#{vec.join " "}"
' > test.dat
echo "visualizing..."
python --dim 2 <test.dat
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