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Created December 11, 2014 14:44
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(define (shortest-one S)
(define (zip ls1 ls2)
(if (or (null? ls1) (null? ls2)) '()
(cons (cons (car ls1) (car ls2)) (zip (cdr ls1) (cdr ls2)))))
(define (kons e1 e2)
(if (< (cdr e1) (cdr e2)) e1 e2))
(let* ((lens (map string-length S))
(ls (zip S lens)))
(car (fold kons (car ls) (cdr ls)))))
(define (sublist ls begin-idx end-idx)
(let ((n (length ls)))
(cond ((= begin-idx end-idx) '())
((and (<= 0 begin-idx) (<= end-idx n))
(drop (take ls end-idx) begin-idx))
(else '()))))
(use srfi-13)
(define (language-include S sigma)
(define (string-include s sigma)
(let loop ((idx 0) (ls sigma))
(if (null? ls) #t
(let* ((t (car ls))
(rest (cdr ls))
(idx* (string-contains s t idx)))
(if idx*
(loop (+ idx* (string-length t)) rest)
(every (cut string-include <> sigma) S))
(define (minl S)
; input S: non-empty finite set of strings
; Output p: a pattern containing S
(let* ((s (shortest-one S))
(sigma '())
(n (string-length s))
(m 0))
(while (positive? n)
(let for-i ((i 0))
(let for-j ((j 0))
(let ((sigma*
(append (sublist sigma 0 j)
(list (substring s i (+ i n)))
(sublist sigma j m))))
(when (language-include S sigma*)
(set! sigma sigma*)
(set! m (length sigma*))
(for-i i)))
(when (< j m) (for-j (+ j 1))))
(when (< i (- (string-length s) n))
(for-i (+ i 1))))
(set! n (min (- (string-length s) (length sigma)) (- n 1))))
(let ((S
(list "This is a cat"
"That is the cat"
"This is not a dog")))
(write (minl S))
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