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Created December 10, 2018 15:04
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[root@nixos:~]$ nix-shell -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"
warning: Nix search path entry '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos' does not exist, ignoring
error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at (string):1:13
[root@nixos:~]$ ls /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/
[root@nixos:~]$ nix-channel --list
[root@nixos:~]$ nix-shell -I nixpkgs=/root/nixpkgs/ -p nix-info --run "nix-info -m"
warning: Nix search path entry '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos' does not exist, ignoring
error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at (string):1:9
- system: `0`
- host os: `Linux 4.14.87, NixOS, 19.03.git.ed46fe4 (Koi)`
- multi-user?: `no`
- sandbox: `yes`
- version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.1.3`
- channels(root): `""`
warning: Nix search path entry '/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos' does not exist, ignoring
error: file 'nixpkgs' was not found in the Nix search path (add it using $NIX_PATH or -I), at (string):1:1
- nixpkgs: `0`
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