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Last active February 1, 2018 23:04
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Grab Spamhaus DROP list and create a pf compatible blocklist
# This is an OpenBSD compatible shell script using the ftp utility
# to download the latest Spamhaus DROP list IP ranges and create a
# pf compatible IP list
# Files (make sure the PFDROP file actually exists)
# Lists
"" \
"" \
# Use the following format on Linux
# ""
# ""
# ""
# Create tempfiles
TMP1=`mktemp -t dropraw.XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1
TMP2=`mktemp -t dropcom.XXXXXXXXXX` || exit 1
# Download and process each blocklist
for URL in "${BLOCKLISTS[@]}"; do
# Blocklist header
echo -e "\n\n# Blocklist: $URL\n" >>$TMP2
# Fetch the drop list and store in temp file
ftp -o $TMP1 $URL
# If you're on Linux, comment the above line and uncomment this line
# wget -q -O $TMP1 $URL
# Clean up the list into pf digestible format
cut -d ';' -f 1 $TMP1 | sed -e '/^$/d' >>$TMP2
# Comment header (starts by overwriting)
echo "# Combined Spamhaus blocklist " >$PFDROP
echo "# Generated for `hostname` on `date`" >>$PFDROP
# Remove any duplicates (preserving whitespaces)
awk '!NF || a[$0]++' $TMP2
# Append compiled list
cat $TMP2 >>$PFDROP
# Clean up temp files
rm -f $TMP1
rm -f $TMP2
echo "Generated blocklist on `date`"
# To use this, first make sure the following 3 lines are in your pf.conf :
# table <spamhaus> persist file "/etc/blocklists/spamhaus"
# block in quick on egress from <spamhaus> to any
# block return out quick on egress from any to <spamhaus>
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