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Last active February 18, 2024 08:27
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RedisBatchRepository for using Redis as the batch jobs driver in Laravel
namespace App\Repositories;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Closure;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Illuminate\Bus\BatchFactory;
use Illuminate\Bus\BatchRepository;
use Illuminate\Bus\PendingBatch;
use Illuminate\Bus\PrunableBatchRepository;
use Illuminate\Database\Connection;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
use Illuminate\Bus\Batch;
use Illuminate\Bus\UpdatedBatchJobCounts;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
class RedisBatchRepository extends DatabaseBatchRepository implements BatchRepository, PrunableBatchRepository
protected int $lockTimeout;
protected $factory;
public function __construct( BatchFactory $factory )
$this->lockTimeout = 120;
$this->factory = $factory;
public function get( $limit = 50, $before = null )
if ( !Redis::exists( 'batches_list' ) ) {
// Handle the case where the batches_list does not exist
return [];
$allBatchIds = Redis::lrange( 'batches_list', 0, -1 );
$batches = [];
foreach ( $allBatchIds as $batchId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data !== false ) {
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
$batches[$batchId] = $batchData;
// Sort batches by 'created_at' in descending order
uasort( $batches, function ( $a, $b ) {
return $b['created_at'] <=> $a['created_at'];
} );
// If 'before' is specified, find the start position
$startIndex = 0;
if ( $before !== null ) {
$startIndex = array_search( $before, array_keys( $batches ) );
$startIndex = $startIndex === false ? 0 : $startIndex + 1;
// Slice the array to apply limit and offset
$batches = array_slice( $batches, $startIndex, $limit, true );
return array_map( function ( $batchId ) {
return $this->find( $batchId );
}, array_keys( $batches ) );
public function find( string $batchId )
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
// Return null or handle the case where the batch does not exist
return null;
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
return $this->toBatch( $batchData );
public function store( PendingBatch $batch )
$id = (string)Str::orderedUuid();
$batchData = [
'id' => $id,
'name' => $batch->name,
'total_jobs' => 0,
'pending_jobs' => 0,
'failed_jobs' => 0,
'failed_job_ids' => [],
'options' => $this->serialize( $batch->options ?? [] ),
'created_at' => time(),
'cancelled_at' => null,
'finished_at' => null,
Redis::set( "batch:$id", serialize( $batchData ) );
Redis::rpush( 'batches_list', $id ); // Add the batch ID to the list
return $this->find( $id );
public function incrementTotalJobs( string $batchId, int $amount )
return $this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId, $amount ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Log::error( "Batch not found for incrementTotalJobs: " . $batchId );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( 0, 0 );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
$batchData['total_jobs'] += $amount;
$batchData['pending_jobs'] += $amount;
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( $batchData['pending_jobs'], $batchData['failed_jobs'] );
}, 100, 200 );
protected function acquireLock( string $key ): bool
$isAcquired = Redis::set( $key, true, 'EX', $this->lockTimeout, 'NX' );
return (bool)$isAcquired;
protected function executeWithLock( string $lockKey, Closure $callback, $retryCount = 3, $sleepMilliseconds = 100 )
$attempts = 0;
while ( $retryCount > 0 ) {
if ( $this->acquireLock( $lockKey ) ) {
try {
if ( $attempts > 2 ) {
Log::info( "Finally got lock. Attempt: " . $attempts );
return $callback();
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
Log::error( "Error in executeWithLock: " . $e->getMessage() );
throw $e;
} finally {
$this->releaseLock( $lockKey );
} else {
//Log::info( "Failed to get lock. Will try again. Attempt: $attempt" );
// Failed to acquire lock, decrease retry count and wait
usleep( $sleepMilliseconds * 1000 ); // microseconds
Log::warning( "Unable to acquire lock after ({$attempts}) attempts for key: $lockKey" );
throw new \RuntimeException( "Unable to acquire lock for key $lockKey" );
protected function releaseLock( string $key )
Redis::del( $key );
public function incrementFailedJobs( string $batchId, string $jobId )
return $this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId, $jobId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Log::error( "Batch not found for incrementFailedJobs: " . $batchId );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( 0, 0 );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
$batchData['failed_job_ids'][] = $jobId;
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( $batchData['pending_jobs'], $batchData['failed_jobs'] );
}, 100, 200 );
public function decrementPendingJobs( string $batchId, string $jobId )
return $this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId, $jobId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Log::error( "Batch not found for decrementPendingJobs: " . $batchId );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( 0, 0 );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
return new UpdatedBatchJobCounts( $batchData['pending_jobs'], $batchData['failed_jobs'] );
}, 100, 200 );
public function markAsFinished( string $batchId )
return $this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Log::debug( "Batch not found for markAsFinished: " . $batchId );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
// Convert finished_at to a Unix timestamp before storing
$batchData['finished_at'] = CarbonImmutable::now()->getTimestamp();
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
Log::debug( "Batch marked as finished: " . $batchId . " with finished_at: " . $batchData['finished_at'] );
}, 100, 200 );
public function delete( string $batchId )
if ( !Redis::exists( "batch:$batchId" ) ) {
// Handle the case where the batch does not exist
Redis::del( "batch:$batchId" );
Redis::lrem( 'batches_list', 0, $batchId );
protected function serialize( $value )
return serialize( $value );
protected function unserialize( $serialized )
return unserialize( $serialized );
protected function toBatch( $data ): Batch
return $this->factory->make(
$this->unserialize( $data['options'] ),
CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $data['created_at'] ),
isset( $data['cancelled_at'] ) ? CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $data['cancelled_at'] ) : null,
isset( $data['finished_at'] ) ? CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $data['finished_at'] ) : null
public function cancel( string $batchId )
$this->executeWithLock( "lock:batch:$batchId", function () use ( $batchId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
// Convert cancelled_at to a Unix timestamp before storing
$batchData['cancelled_at'] = CarbonImmutable::now()->getTimestamp();
Redis::set( "batch:$batchId", serialize( $batchData ) );
}, 100, 200 ); // Retry 100 times with 200 milliseconds between retries
public function transaction( Closure $callback )
return $callback();
// Work in progress
public function prune( DateTimeInterface $before )
return $this->pruneBatches( $before, true );
public function pruneUnfinished( DateTimeInterface $before )
return $this->pruneBatches( $before, false, false );
public function pruneCancelled( DateTimeInterface $before )
return $this->pruneBatches( $before, null, true );
protected function pruneBatches( DateTimeInterface $before, $isFinished = null, $isCancelled = false )
$batchIds = Redis::lrange( 'batches_list', 0, -1 );
$totalDeleted = 0;
foreach ( $batchIds as $batchId ) {
$data = Redis::get( "batch:$batchId" );
if ( $data === false ) {
Redis::lrem( 'batches_list', 0, $batchId );
$batchData = unserialize( $data );
$shouldBeDeleted = false;
$createdAt = CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $batchData['created_at'] );
$finishedAt = isset( $batchData['finished_at'] ) ? CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $batchData['finished_at'] ) : null;
$cancelledAt = isset( $batchData['cancelled_at'] ) ? CarbonImmutable::createFromTimestamp( $batchData['cancelled_at'] ) : null;
if ( $isFinished === true && $finishedAt && $finishedAt < $before ) {
$shouldBeDeleted = true;
} elseif ( $isFinished === false && !$finishedAt && $createdAt < $before ) {
$shouldBeDeleted = true;
} elseif ( $isCancelled && $cancelledAt && $createdAt < $before ) {
$shouldBeDeleted = true;
if ( $shouldBeDeleted ) {
Redis::del( "batch:$batchId" );
Redis::lrem( 'batches_list', 0, $batchId );
return $totalDeleted;
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cyppe commented Feb 18, 2024

@PankovAlxndr how did it work out for you?

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