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Last active October 27, 2023 16:00
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standalone: true,
providers: [
multi: true,
useExisting: HostControlDirective,
export class HostControlDirective implements ControlValueAccessor {
control!: FormControl;
private injector = inject(Injector);
private subscription?: Subscription;
ngOnInit(): void {
const ngControl = this.injector.get(NgControl, null, { self: true, optional: true });
if (ngControl instanceof FormControlName) {
const group = this.injector.get(ControlContainer).control as UntypedFormGroup;
this.control = group.controls[!] as FormControl;
if (ngControl instanceof FormControlDirective) {
this.control = ngControl.control;
if (ngControl instanceof NgModel) {
this.subscription = ngControl.control.valueChanges.subscribe(newValue => {
// The viewToModelUpdate updates the directive and triggers the ngModelChange.
// So we want to called it when the value changes except when it comes from the parent (ngModel input).
// The `if` checks if the newValue is different from the value on the ngModel input or from the current value.
if (ngControl.model !== newValue || ngControl.viewModel !== newValue) {
this.control = ngControl.control;
// Fallback
this.control = new FormControl();
writeValue(): void { }
registerOnChange(): void { }
registerOnTouched(): void { }
ngOnDestroy(): void {
// Usage example
selector: 'app-custom-input',
template: `<input [formControl]="hcd.control" />`,
standalone: true,
imports: [ReactiveFormsModule],
hostDirectives: [HostControlDirective],
export class CustomInputComponent {
hcd = inject(HostControlDirective);
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@pookdeveloper I updated the code to take advantage of the hostDirectives and fixed the memory leak. I think it looks really clean now, and it works with ngModel, formControl and formControlName

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Nice @cyrillbrito :)

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@cyrillbrito nice work, only .. Inject flags are deprecated:
const ngControl = this.injector.get(NgControl, null, InjectFlags.Self + InjectFlags.Optional);
const ngControl = this.injector.get(NgControl, null, {self: true, optional: true});

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@cyrillbrito I get and error with your example:

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@pookdeveloper Fixed the depredated flags, thanks. Maybe use are using NoopValueAccessorDirective together with my HostControlDirective and since both provide NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR it is causing problems. With my solution you don't need the NoopValueAccessorDirective since it is already incorporated

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pookdeveloper commented Apr 28, 2023

@cyrillbrito your HostControlDirective is my NoopValueAccessorDirective i only use this name , but i hace the same code

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The problem is that I have move the code in NgOninit to constructor.

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Xriuk commented Oct 27, 2023

I had some problems with array values, the code above caused the changes to be triggered twice, so I changed the condition to this:

this.subscription = ngControl.control.valueChanges.subscribe(newValue => {
  // The viewToModelUpdate updates the directive and triggers the ngModelChange.
  // So we want to called it when the value changes except when it comes from the parent (ngModel input).
  // The `if` checks if the newValue is different from the value on the ngModel input or from the current value.
  if (ngControl.model !== newValue && ngControl.viewModel !== newValue) {

So that only when both models are different it triggers the update. Now it seems to work

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