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Created January 19, 2016 09:12
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Jenkinsfile for Cloud Foundry
docker.image('cloudbees/java-build-tools:0.0.5').inside {
checkout scm
def mavenSettingsFile = "${pwd()}/.m2/settings.xml"
stage 'Build Web App'
wrap([$class: 'ConfigFileBuildWrapper',
managedFiles: [[fileId: 'maven-settings-for-gameoflife', targetLocation: "${mavenSettingsFile}"]]]) {
sh "mvn -s ${mavenSettingsFile} clean source:jar deploy"
stage 'Deploy Web App On CloudFoundry'
wrap([$class: 'CloudFoundryCliBuildWrapper',
cloudFoundryCliVersion: 'Cloud Foundry CLI (built-in)',
apiEndpoint: '',
skipSslValidation: true,
credentialsId: 'cloud-foundry-elastic-runtime-credentials',
organization: 'cloudbees',
space: 'development']) {
sh 'cf push gameoflife-dev -p gameoflife-web/target/gameoflife.war'
stash name: 'acceptance-tests', includes: 'gameoflife-acceptance-tests/,gameoflife-web/target/gameoflife.war'
stage 'Test Web App with Selenium'
mail body: "Start web browser tests on ?", subject: "Start web browser tests on ?", to: ''
input "Start web browser tests on ?"
checkpoint 'Web Browser Tests'
node {
unstash 'acceptance-tests'
// web browser tests are fragile, test up to 3 times
retry(3) {
docker.image('cloudbees/java-build-tools:0.0.5').inside {
def mavenSettingsFile = "${pwd()}/.m2/settings.xml"
wrap([$class: 'ConfigFileBuildWrapper',
managedFiles: [[fileId: 'maven-settings-for-gameoflife', targetLocation: "${mavenSettingsFile}"]]]) {
sh """
# curl
# curl -v http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
cd gameoflife-acceptance-tests
mvn -B -V -s ${mavenSettingsFile} verify -Dwebdriver.driver=remote -Dwebdriver.remote.url=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub -Dwebdriver.base.url=
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