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Last active March 18, 2016 19:00
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Cyrille's Azure CLI Tips

Switch to ASM mode (classic)

$ azure config mode asm
info:    Executing command config mode
info:    New mode is asm
info:    config mode command OK

List images

ASM mode seem to support less command params

$ azure vm image list | grep -i CloudBees
data:    cloudbees-jenkins-agent_2016-02-03_16-45                                                                              User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.609_2016-03-11_02-27                                                                   User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-02-29_12-57                                                                   User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-03-17_17-55                                                                   User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-03-17_18-21                                                                   User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-03-17_19-00                                                                   User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-03-17_19-02                                                                   User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Operations-Center-1.625_2016-02-04_21-31                                                            User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Operations-Center-1.625_2016-02-29_13-33                                                            User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Operations-Center-1.625_2016-03-17_18-19                                                            User      Linux    undefined
data:    CloudBees-Jenkins-Operations-Center-1.625_2016-03-18_14-08                                                            User      Linux    undefined

create VM

  • prefer --ssh-cert to --password
  • --json to output as json
  • --vm-name should be a random name
localhost ~ $ azure vm create --json --userName cloudbees --password *****  --vm-size Standard_D2 --vm-name je-clc clc123 CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-03-17_19-02
info:    Executing command vm create
+ Looking up image CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-03-17_19-02
+ Looking up cloud service
info:    cloud service clc123 not found.
info:    using the VM image location South Central US
+ Creating cloud service
+ Creating VM
azure vm show --json je-clc
  "DNSName": "",
  "Location": "South Central US",
  "VMName": "je-clc",
  "IPAddress": "",
  "InstanceStatus": "ReadyRole",
  "InstanceSize": "Standard_D2",
  "Image": "CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-03-17_19-02-os-2016-03-17-7543F1D3",
  "OSDisk": {
    "hostCaching": "ReadWrite",
    "name": "clc123-je-clc-0-201603181838490461",
    "mediaLink": "",
    "sourceImageName": "CloudBees-Jenkins-Enterprise-1.642_2016-03-17_19-02-os-2016-03-17-7543F1D3",
    "operatingSystem": "Linux",
    "iOType": "Standard"
  "DataDisks": [],
  "ReservedIPName": "",
  "VirtualIPAddresses": [
      "address": "",
      "isDnsProgrammed": true,
      "name": "__PseudoBackEndContractVip"
  "PublicIPs": [],
  "Network": {
    "Endpoints": [],
    "PublicIPs": [],
    "NetworkInterfaces": []
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