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Last active November 23, 2015 15:38
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Override the behavior of existing functions


override([parent], property, callback);

Override the behavior of existing functions.

  • parent is the object containing the function to be called, it can be:

    • omitted: the window object is used;
    • a constructor function (e.g., String): its prototype is used;
    • an object: used as it is.
  • property is the name of the property of parent to override, if it is a function then is used.

  • callback is used to customize the behavior of the overriden function. The invocation is in the form:

    callback($control, argument_1, ...)

    $control is an object with the following properies:

    • original(argument_1, ...) is a reference to the original function;
    • arguments is a proper array of the arguments passed to the original function;
    • replay() is an helper function which is equivalent to calling the original funtion with the arguments currently specified in $control.arguments.

    argument_1, ... are the arguments passed to the original function.

    The return value of callback and its this are the same as the original function.


// Hijack the default behavior.

override(alert, function ($control, message) {
    console.log('ALERT: "%s"', message);

alert(42); // ALERT: "42"

// Log all the requests.

override(XMLHttpRequest, 'open', function ($control, method, url) {
    console.log('AJAX: %s %s', method, url);
    return $control.replay();

var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', ''); // GET

// Hijack the return value.

override(Object, 'toString', function () {
    return 'lollo';

({}).toString(); // lollo

// Change some parameters #1.

override(String, 'replace', function ($control, subStr, newSubStr, flags) {
    newSubStr = '/*' + newSubStr + '*/';
    return $control.original(subStr, newSubStr, flags);

'foo bar baz'.replace('bar', 'xxx'); // "foo /*xxx*/ baz"

// Change some parameters #2.

override(Array, function ($control) {
    return $control.replay();

new Array(1,2,3); // ["<", 1, 2, 3, ">"]
function override(parent, property, callback) {
// parent defaults to the window object
if (arguments.length === 2) {
callback = property;
property = parent;
parent = window;
// if a "constructor" is passed get its prototype
if (typeof parent === 'function' && parent.hasOwnProperty('prototype')) {
parent = parent.prototype;
// here the parent must be an object
if (typeof parent !== 'object') {
throw new Error('parent does not represent a prototype');
// attempt to get the property name, if function
if (typeof property === 'function') {
property =;
// check hierarchy
if (!(property in parent)) {
throw new Error('parent has no property "' + property + '"');
// perform the override
var original = parent[property];
parent[property] = function() {
var control = {
'original': original.bind(this),
'arguments': [],
'replay': function() {
return this.original.apply(null , this.arguments);
// fill arguments
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
control.arguments[i] = arguments[i];
// the return value is the same of the callback
return callback.apply(this, [control].concat(control.arguments));
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