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Created October 17, 2015 06:45
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2d array passing between solidity contracts
import 'mortal'; // TODO
contract BlockDefRetriever is mortal // TODO
function getOccupies(uint8 which) returns (int8[3][8])
function getAttachesto(uint8 which) returns (int8[3][8])
contract BlockDefStorageTester is BlockDefRetriever
BlockDefRetriever bdr;
function BlockDefStorageTester() {
bdr = BlockDefRetriever(0xed9c3aead241f6fd8e6b6951e29c3dcb5b3662c1);
function getOccupiesFromBDRDirect(uint8 which) public constant returns(int8[3][8])
return bdr.getOccupies(which);
function getOccupiesFromBDRMemory(uint8 which) public constant returns(int8[3][8])
int8[3][8] memory occ = bdr.getOccupies(which);
return occ;
// this is already deployed at address 0xed9c3aead241f6fd8e6b6951e29c3dcb5b3662c1. See below
//contract BlockDefStorage
// bool[32] occupiesInitialized;
// bool[32] attachestoInitialized;
// bool allOccupiesInitialized;
// bool allAttachestoInitialized;
// Block[32] blocks;
// struct Block
// {
// int8[3][8] occupies; // [x,y,z] 8 times
// int8[3][] attachesto; // [x,y,z]
// }
// function getOccupies(uint8 which) public constant returns (int8[3][8])
// {
// return blocks[which].occupies;
// }
// function getAttachesto(uint8 which) public constant returns (int8[3][])
// {
// return blocks[which].attachesto;
// }
//// function getLocked() public constant returns (bool)
//// {
//// return (allOccupiesInitialized && allAttachestoInitialized);
//// }
// function initOccupies(uint8 which, int8[3][8] occupies) public
// {
// if(allOccupiesInitialized) // lockout
// return;
// blocks[which].occupies = occupies;
// occupiesInitialized[which] = true;
// for(uint8 b = 0; b < 32; b++)
// {
// if(occupiesInitialized[b] == false)
// return;
// }
// allOccupiesInitialized = true;
// }
// function initAttachesto(uint8 which, int8[3][] attachesto) public
// {
// if(allAttachestoInitialized) // lockout
// return;
// blocks[which].attachesto.length = attachesto.length;
// blocks[which].attachesto = attachesto;
// attachestoInitialized[which] = true;
// for(uint8 b = 0; b < 32; b++)
// {
// if(attachestoInitialized[b] == false)
// return;
// }
// allAttachestoInitialized = true;
// }
// To request block definitions directly from BlockDefStorage contract use this abi and address:
// > var abi = [{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"which","type":"uint8"}],"name":"getAttachesto","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int8[3][]"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"which","type":"uint8"},{"name":"occupies","type":"int8[3][8]"}],"name":"initOccupies","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"which","type":"uint8"},{"name":"attachesto","type":"int8[3][]"}],"name":"initAttachesto","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"which","type":"uint8"}],"name":"getOccupies","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int8[3][8]"}],"type":"function"}]
// > var blockdefstorage = web3.eth.contract(abi).at('0xed9c3aead241f6fd8e6b6951e29c3dcb5b3662c1');
// > blockdefstorage.getOccupies(0);
// [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 3], [0, 0, 4], [0, 0, 5], [0, 0, 6], [0, 0, 7]] // CORRECT ANSWER
// To request block definitions from the BlockDefStorage contract THROUGH the BlockDefStorageTester (and its BlockDefRetriever)
// > var abi = [{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"which","type":"uint8"}],"name":"getAttachesto","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int8[3][8]"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"which","type":"uint8"}],"name":"getOccupies","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int8[3][8]"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"kill","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"which","type":"uint8"}],"name":"getOccupiesFromBDRMemory","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int8[3][8]"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"which","type":"uint8"}],"name":"getOccupiesFromBDRDirect","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"int8[3][8]"}],"type":"function"},{"inputs":[],"type":"constructor"}]
// > var blockdefstoragetester = web3.eth.contract(abi).at('0x2dcde420c88350ac46797246c4c96ef0549cc56e');
// > blockdefstoragetester.getOccupiesFromBDRMemory(0);
// [[0, 0, 3424], [0, 0, 3424], [0, 0, 3424], [0, 0, 3424], [0, 0, 3424], [0, 0, 876544], [0, 0, 3424], [0, 0, 3424]] // WRONG
// > {address != 'undefined') {ccupiesFromBDRMemory(0);
// console.log(e, contract);
// console.log('Contract mined! address: ' + contract.address + ' transactionHash: ' + contract.transactionHash);
// }
// > blockdefstoragetester.getOccupiesFromBDRDirect(0);
// [[0, 0, 1888], [0, 0, 1888], [0, 0, 1888], [0, 0, 1888], [0, 0, 1888], [0, 0, 483328], [0, 0, 1888], [0, 0, 1888]] // WRONG
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