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Last active May 22, 2023 23:49
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from urllib import request
from json import load
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from os import system
from time import sleep
routes = [
'32', '36', '40E', '40P', '40X', '46P', '46X', '47A',
'47X', '48X', '73D', '73P', '73X', '936', 'N36', 'N48',
'234C', '273C', '273P', '278A', '278P', '278X', '936A',
def update():
url = ''
directions = [{
'type': 'inbound',
'desc': '往荃灣方向',
'stops': [{
"id": '97BB9CE7A058E809',
}, {
"id": '0A1DAEAFFDFF0B66',
"data": []
}, {
'type': 'outbound',
'desc': '往沙田方向',
"stops": [{
'id': 'DEDD6247441C8C05'
"data": []
# print('\n\033[0;30mUpdating...\033[0m')
for direction in directions:
stops = direction['stops']
for stop in stops:
id = stop['id']
response = request.urlopen(f'{url}{id}')
json = load(response)
for route in routes:
route = route.upper()
for value in json['data']:
if value['route'] == route and value['service_type'] == 1:
if value['eta'] is None:
eta = datetime.fromisoformat(value['eta'])
direction['data'].append({"route": route, "eta": eta})
# result += '\n\n'
tz = timezone.utc
now =
updatedAt = now + timedelta(hours=8)
result = "\033[0;33m"
result += f'{datetime.strftime(updatedAt, "%Y年%-m月%-d日 (更新於%H:%M:%S)")}'
result += "\033[0m"
for direction in directions:
desc = direction['desc']
result += f'\n\n\033[0;36m\033[4m{desc}:\033[0m'
data = sorted(direction['data'], key=lambda x: x.get('eta'))
marked_routes = {}
padding = 10
for datum in data:
route = datum['route']
if route not in marked_routes:
marked_routes[route] = '\n\033[0;32m' + \
f'{route}'.rjust(padding, " ") + '\033[0m'
eta = datum['eta']
diff = round((eta - now).seconds / 60)
if (now > eta):
marked_routes[route] += '\033[0;31m' + \
'已到達'.rjust(padding + 1, ' ') + '\033[0m'
elif (diff < 1):
marked_routes[route] += '\033[0;93m' + \
'快將到達'.rjust(padding, ' ') + '\033[0m'
marked_routes[route] += f'{diff} 分鐘'.rjust(padding + 2, ' ')
keys = marked_routes.keys()
length = min(10, len(keys))
for key in list(keys)[:length]:
result += f"{marked_routes[key]}"
if length < len(keys):
result +='\n' + '...'.rjust(padding, ' ')
while True:
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