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Last active January 11, 2017 14:05
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Save cystbear/b27bc5754ffa11fec634 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Academic problems solved with Erlang
collatz(N) -> collatz(N,0,[N]).
collatz(1, C, Acc) -> {C, lists:reverse(Acc)};
collatz(N, C, Acc) ->
R = case is_even(N) of
true -> trunc(N/2);
false -> trunc(N*3 + 1)
collatz(R, C+1, [R|Acc]).
is_even(I) -> I rem 2 =:= 0.
-export([compose/0, compose/1]).
compose() -> compose([]).
compose([]) -> fun(X) -> X end;
compose(L) -> fun(X) -> lists:foldr(fun(F, V) -> F(V) end, X, L) end.
-export([curry_simpl/1, curry/1]).
curry_simpl(F) -> curry_simpl(F, []).
curry_simpl(F, Args) ->
{arity,Arity} = erlang:fun_info(F, arity),
case length(Args) == Arity of
true -> apply(F, Args);
false -> fun (Arg) -> curry_simpl(F, Args ++ [Arg]) end
curry(F) when is_function(F) -> curry(F, []).
curry(F, Args) when is_function(F), is_list(Args)->
{arity,Arity} = erlang:fun_info(F, arity),
case length(Args) >= Arity of
true -> apply(F, lists:sublist(Args, Arity));
false -> fun(Arg) -> curry(F, lists:flatten([Args, Arg])) end
fib(N) when N > 0 -> fib(N, 1, 0, 1).
fib(1, _, _, _) -> 1;
fib(2, _, _, _) -> 1;
fib(N, N, _, Prev) -> Prev;
fib(N, C, Prev2, Prev) -> fib(N, C+1, Prev, Prev2+Prev).
is_proplist(L) when is_list(L) ->
({K,_}) when is_atom(K) -> true;
({K,_}) when is_binary(K) -> io_lib:printable_latin1_list(binary_to_list(K));
(_) -> false
end, L);
is_proplist(_) -> false.
%% generator(F, V) -> fun() -> [ V | generator(F, F(V)) ] end.
generator(F, V) -> [V | fun() -> generator(F, F(V)) end].
take(N, G) when N >= 0 -> lists:reverse(take(N, G, 0, [])).
take(_,[],_,Acc) -> Acc;
take(N,_,N,Acc) -> Acc;
take(N, [H|T], C, Acc) when is_function(T) -> take(N, T(), C+1, [H|Acc]);
take(N, [H|T], C, Acc) -> take(N, T, C+1, [H|Acc]).
%% Take N first elements of list
take(N, L) when N > 0 -> lists:reverse(take(N, L, 0, [])).
take(_,[],_,Acc) -> Acc;
take(N,_,N,Acc) -> Acc;
take(N, [H|T], C, Acc) -> take(N, T, C+1, [H|Acc]).
zip_with(F, L1, L2) ->
lists:reverse(zip_with(F, L1, L2, [])).
zip_with(_,[],_,Acc) -> Acc;
zip_with(_,_,[],Acc) -> Acc;
zip_with(F, [H1|T1], [H2|T2], Acc) -> zip_with(F, T1, T2, [F(H1,H2) | Acc]).
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cystbear commented Nov 7, 2015

Just added compose.erl file. Function Composing implementation.

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