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Created July 22, 2020 04:04
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Word Ladder - Whiteboarding exercise - HR RPT21
// Whiteboard exercise: Word Ladder:
// NOTE: Interviewer did not progress into asking me for actual code, even though I actually
finished pseudocode halfway through my sesion. Therefore I'm selecting the 'finished core concepts'
option in Google forms.
// Input:
// beginWord = "hit",
// endWord = "cog",
// wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]
// Output: 5
// Input:
// beginWord = "hit"
// endWord = "cog"
// wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log"]
// Output: 0
// Explanation: The endWord "cog" is not in wordList, therefore no possible transformation.
// Input: beginWord, endWord, wordList (array of strings)
// Output: shortest transformation count from beginning to end
// Constraints: each word aside from beginWord must be in the wordList,
// all words same length, lowercase a-z letters, assume that words in wordList are same as begin/endWord
// Edge cases: endWord is not in wordList, empty wordList
// Example
// Input:
// beginWord = "hit",
// endWord = "cog",
// wordList = ["hot","dot","dog","lot","log","cog"]
// hit -> hot -> dot -> dog -> cog
// hit: hot // remove hot
// hot: dot, lot // remove dot, lot
// dot: dog // remove dog
// dog: cog // return count
// lot: log // remove log
// Output: 5
// Helper function:
// findNextWords: word, wordList -> subList of words that are one character off
// Initialize a list of possible nextWords
// For each letter in word
// For each word in wordList
// If word has same letter in the same spot as our word
// If one other character has the same letter as our word, add this word in wordList to nextWords
// Return nextWords
// Main function:
// if endWord not in wordList, return 0
// Initialize a counter
// Initialize an array of transformation counts
// Recursive function: curWord, curWordList, counter
// if curWord is endWord, add counter to array
// findNextWords(curWord, curWordList) -> subList
// Remove curWord and all words in subList from curWordList
// For each of the words in the subList
// Call recursive function with (word, copy of curWordList, incremented counter)
// Call recursive function with initial args (beginWord, copy of wordList, initial counter)
// Return the minimum from array of transformation counts, or 0 if array is empty
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